Dear Bungie,
I know it's hard being all wifed up with Playstation this time around baby. I get it. But I thought you wanted more options babe. You wanted to be able to have that commitment we once had, but also to sleep around a little bit and thats ok. I get that I'm your number 2 man over here on XB. I understand. Why you gotta be so rude though Bungie? You're giving PS two strikes and me only 1 with the upcoming expansion? What did I do to hurt you baby? I've been giving you all the attention you deserve and I've been with you since the beginning so why the cold shoulder? It can't just be because of money can it? Are you what Kanye West warned us about, just another Gold Digger? I hope not babe, and I hope you'll reconsider. Just try and remember all the good times we've had. Like the one time I spent 2 hours just getting a raid team together to be Zebra'd 3 different times during our Atheon outing. I never gave up on you then Bungie. Or that other time when we just danced the night away in the tower without a care in the world for Engrams or Vanguard rank 3's. It was just you and me babe, remember? Come back to me Bungie. Come back.
(DaGreatONE on XB1)
I love how when people don't like something about CoD, they blame Activision. Not the devs, but Activision. Good ol' Actibro makes a deal with Sony to keep certain content away from the Xbox, and people blame Bungie for it.
That's beutiful man.