An idea I brainstormed with my progeny about our titles and title system and how to add value to our titles and give people a reason to grind them and engage with the activities that earn or gild titles.
We were watching Solo Leveling and when the hero gets titles they have buffs associated with them so each one gives a different aptitude buff; my kid turns and says “if Destiny had buffs that went with the titles people might put more effort into earning them” and all I could say was “I’m stealing this idea and sharing it on the forums”
Finish your seasonal title and get 5% drop rates on that seasons weapons while the title is equipped. You’re a Dredgen? How about you get a 5% increased chance at heavy ammo in gambit while you have Dredgen equipped and 10% if it’s gilded? Conquerors get increased chances for enhancement cores/prisms to drop etc.
You want players to engage make the work we do mean something other than 1/5 towards a crafted pattern. I personally like the enhancement weapons better since I can get multiple perks per column unlike crafted weapons single traits, others want an easy metric to follow and red borders are fine as long as you aren’t selling deepsight harmonizers to take the grind away completely.
How is solo leveling? Pretty good idea; While your buffs recommendations aren't my cup of tea, the idea is really good :)