But that’s on me not my terrible mm teammates though 😂
Lost number 9 on to game 10 nothing but toxic trash teammates and toxic trash hard ops 😂 this is so fun for me !!!!! Didn’t lose a single game going flawless now I can’t win because of terrible trash matchmaking 😃
Lost number 8 game number 9 now. My teammate lost 1 round this first round. Started jumping off the map calling me and our other teammate bots 😂 👌🏽great community bungie you really know how to make a trash video game and I’m supposed to sit there and not be able to leave to move on with my life I have to try and 2v3 👌🏽
"Working as intended"
10 games it took to get matched with good teammates and go against the bots they use to fill trials because it sucks so bad now 😂 10 long games just to 5-0 a team and in that game a guy fissioned me at point blank and Melee’d me and I didn’t die 🤔 My teammate la were cracked the enemy team moved like bots and just ran at you no thought in the plays made. Just ran at the objective and if they saw you the ran straight at you 😂 And people say this game isn’t dead yeah okay 👍🏽