On my warlock the last ten tonics will not unlock regardless of how many or type of tonics I make. It stinks that I can not finish act 3 with my warlock because of it. Its bad enough we have to play the same level of and over. What can we do to make bungie fix this.
It takes about 5 green tonics per blue and around 5-6 blues per purple. Then the first blue unlock the first 2 purple ones. Second blue unlock the rest. I hate that system and tonics overall. I hope this goes away with the season and it's NEVER implemented again.
Exotic quest on expert and playing the intrisnic songs at the organ unlock the areas where you get the last exotic potions. Can all be done in one run. A friend and I did it in under 30 or so minutes....and I promise you I am not pro...
[quote]On my warlock the last ten tonics will not unlock regardless of how many or type of tonics I make. It stinks that I can not finish act 3 with my warlock because of it. Its bad enough we have to play the same level of and over. What can we do to make bungie fix this.[/quote] I haven't bothered with tonics yet I was able to finish act 3. I don't get why you can't, Tonics are side quests not part of episode/acts storylines.
There is a specific type of tonic that you would need to make for each one multiple times. By last 10, which ones are you referring to?