Vortex has less ease of use, less range, deals less damage, it's explosive damage doesn't penetrate walls like cataclysm, and takes more skill to aim while having the same cooldown.
So what's the point, area denial? Even at that, there are still better options. Foremost being grenades.
Vortex might have a slightly faster cast speed, but cataclysm basically makes you immune to all damage just before casting.
I've been running it for the past few months in both pvp and pve and have yet to really find anything that's makes me want to run Vortex.
Buff suggestions:
-Reduces base cooldown to 7:35.
-Damaging enemies with Vortex DOT should generate ability and super energy while spawning orbs for your team.
-votex spawns 5 void souls on impact which surround the votex increase its aoe, debuffing enemies, and slowing movements.
-Vortex gradually grows by an additional 50% and kills increase the lingering duration.
Mixing and matching any of theses would make it much more viable.
Asking for warlock buffs?! 😮 Oh my brother in light you're about to be hit with a lot of hate the from other classes.