I mean the amount of times i miss a grapple melee or just a regular melee due to accidentaly catching the damn threaded spike is crazy... And all for what? a barely noticeble melee energy recovery? Take the damn catching of the spike out, or at least give us the option to exclude the mechanic, it helps no one and is in the way of other combat mechanics. It was a bad idea from the start, a desperate and unimaginative atempt to make a new melee interesting. Testing is done, remove it please, it sucks. Thank you.
[quote]I mean the amount of times i miss a grapple melee or just a regular melee due to accidentaly catching the damn threaded spike is crazy... And all for what? a barely noticeble melee energy recovery? Take the damn catching of the spike out, or at least give us the option to exclude the mechanic, it helps no one and is in the way of other combat mechanics. It was a bad idea from the start, a desperate and unimaginative atempt to make a new melee interesting. Testing is done, remove it please, it sucks. Thank you.[/quote] Used to not be an issue back when you can pick between powered and unpowered melee attacks out of the grapple. People complained that you needed to have auto melee off to do it though, so now we are stuck with this.
That's crazy, when ever I look at the threaded spikes cooldown, it's almost always full, it feels like one of the best things from strand overall
Or, better idea, the ability to catch it while committing a powered melee attack. It'd be nice to activate grapple melee AND catch the spike.