There is absolutely zero fun in playing a gm with a titan. They just kill everything with one melee while i’m trying to keep up and my melee does absolutely zero damage to even red bars. Is there seriously any point in warlock anymore? Constant nerf after nerf after nerf. Not only are they nerfing our exotics but also our weaponsZ Graviton was the only thing allowing me to have a modicum of fun in a titan gm, and they are nerfing that now as well.
Do you play the game? Warlocks are cracked
Reading this as I watch Esoterickk solo Kell's Vengeance as a warlock. Hmm.
I always make my own lfg post because I find most players attempting GM's are idiots who use terrible/non-champion weapons. I'm honestly amazed at the stupidity. I'm now at the point where when I'm going through the applications I don't accept any titans anymore, except in maybe 1 or 2 of the harder GM's. It's just not fun playing with them anymore because they kill everything.
So you don't like getting free loot because the titan is heavy lifting. If a titan started carrying me I'd sit back and relax more in that gm as gms can be a snooze fest. Course i help out [spoiler]I'm not lazy, just know when to relax and let the titan on my team laugh maniacally as they concencrate everything[/spoiler]
So as a titan then.
Edited by Obelix: 1/9/2025 11:52:30 PMWarlock = mage / healer Hunter = rogue Titan = warrior / Tank In other MMO like TESO you have assigned roles in Dungeons, Raids… and honestly it’s a tone of fun to play support role, I had a character for each. (said the guy using prismatic titan :) ). I think people should lean into the strengths and weaknesses of each class instead of constantly asking to be the most powerful of the bunch. It’s not like playing Titan is a limited option for just an elite few.
I've been having a blast on my Warlock this season.
Personally do not mind if titans are doing everything for me. Carry on my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more.
Edited by Dave.: 1/14/2025 5:43:02 PMHe’s carrying. Is that an issue? And warlock is still extremely powerful. Just in its own way. Titans are tanky and have good damage and abilities Warlocks are mostly support with their rifts but they also have really good damage output and crowd control Hunters have dps and movement I play all of them and switch when I need something specific
Skill issue
There are multiple stasis and solar builds that make warlock strong in GMs. It really depends on the GM cause not all are great for the current prismatic titan melee build. Honestly I think hunters have it the hardest since most people don't value invisible builds despite being able to clutch encounters by spamming invis and reviving everyone.
Titans going to get nerfed soon, don't kid yourself, anything that's fun or effective is killed eventually by Bungie , because it reduces player engagement numbers
Consecration is the issue. Not warlock.
If your completing the Gm what’s the issue sit back and enjoy the titan show little warlock 😎💪🏽
Imagine complaining that your teammates doing a good job 🥱
Wizard man!!!
Lmao 😂 why you mad as a warlock I can kill everything just as fast and get my supers quicker than any titan running the stasis super paired with rime coat. Plus I like titans I can speed run gms with them
Edited by ABADDON_WOLFFE: 1/10/2025 1:25:46 AMWe had a few but the most prominent was starfire protocol. The issue was that back then both hunters and titans mains were so p*ssed off about us having that exotic that they went into a full media meltdown Reddit, d2 app forums back then Twitter hell everywhere they could to complain about it. And to no surprise it was nerfed well... Destroyed. So no we can't have anything :) Here are your choices: ° Be a hunter ° Be a titan ° Or suck it up buttercup!
Edited by The Hermit IX: 1/14/2025 6:05:54 AMRun Prismatic Getaway or Rime-Coat builds. They’re absurdly powerful.
Warlocks bring a lot to the table, maybe you ought to work on your build crafting :(
Gliding is fun even if it makes one an easy target.
I only warlock so I guess I see the point?
You have 3 turrets on one build and prismatic spam just warlock better or go straight easy town and use getaway artists or the 2 new chest exotic pieces either suspend literally everything or spam stasis turrets that lock down unstoppables and make an aoe when stood under your turret. Or watch estorick use a weavewalking invis warlock solo the 12 man gm Give up trying to get titans nerfed
[quote]There is absolutely zero fun in playing a gm with a titan. They just kill everything with one melee while i’m trying to keep up and my melee does absolutely zero damage to even red bars. Is there seriously any point in warlock anymore? Constant nerf after nerf after nerf. Not only are they nerfing our exotics but also our weaponsZ Graviton was the only thing allowing me to have a modicum of fun in a titan gm, and they are nerfing that now as well.[/quote] After looking at your replies to everyone else, I'm calling skill issue, which is surprising to say in PvE, Yes I did spam consecration, & I've played the this weeks GM a few times with some buddies, one of them is a warlock & he was doing just fine getting kills with me, I'm going to say you're most likely using the wrong build for your playstyle, or just playing wrong in general, you could also load in solo if you're that hungry for kills. Even then, it's a CO-OP mode, if you want to compete AGAINST players, you should take that attitude to rumble, but I know, if I can barely hold my own in there, you would get eaten up & spat back out, a little humility might do you some good though. I never thought that someone would be so depraved that they would sabotage the team for their own enjoyment in PvE, but here we are, be better, be better...
Yes, this. Titans need a nerf REAL bad and they don’t address this. It’s especially bad when a random titan is just being a douchbag about it. Like we get it dude. You have synthocepts consecration in. We are well aware of what consecration can do we’re just playing our main classes because we like playing them. You are not better than us because you happen to be using THE meta build in the game and the fact that your so desperate for attention is just annoying