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Destiny 2

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1/4/2025 10:55:56 PM

Exotic Class items

The exotic Class items have very much changed the landscape of build crafting, I still find myself digging through old ones or grinding new combos. Still tho, some aspects feel lacking. [u] prismatic aspect[/u] Despite the fact these exotics only work with prismatic subclasses, it feels odd that there's nothing feeding into prismatic. Perhaps an intrisic perm that increases prismatic gains or one that boosts the effectiveness of the perks while prismatic. [u]perk choice[/u] Still feels like there are some much needed perks drawn from other exotics. And for the love of all that is good and right in the world, can we ditch ophidian? I'd also love to see the pool not only expanded brought to parity. I'd love to get severance on my warlock, and necrotic on my titan could make some very fun builds. [u]aesthics[/u] I hate to say it, I know someone worked hard on them, but dang do these things look like butt. They don't really go with anything. We really need several new ornaments.

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