Hi there, thank you for your report.
Please be sure to have available tokens to changes your name. Errors may arise if your name is taken or conflicts with our code of conduct.
My gamertag has been in your systems since back when you ran Halo. I WANT my name back.
Once a name has been moderated, it cannot be used again. Your name was reported or detected by the name system and upon review was found to not be in alignment with Bungie Name Policy and/or the Code of Conduct and moderated. You can choose another name if you still have a name change token, however the original name cannot be used.
Doesn’t work for me. I’ve put way too many years into this game for my name to be taken now. I want it back
Bro why would you want it to be removed permanently....
If you succeed in bypassing the filter, it just means your name may be subject to moderation again and you will have 1 less name change chance to pick something else.