[quote]1) Increasing chances for drops when opening Overthrow chests.
2) As you open chests tied Overthrow activities, your chances will increase.
3) Higher tiered chests give bigger increases to drop chances.
4) This should decrease the amount of time it takes (on average) to get an Exotic Class Item, but we'll be watching the feedback and tuning further if necessary.
5) Reducing chances from unrelated Pale Heart chests in freeroam to encourage Overthrow participation.
6) Increased chance stored up from Overthrow chests apply to Lost Sectors and Co-Op missions that take place in the Pale Heart.[/quote]
First up, most of this is just good. Overthrows dropping more often and providing an escalating pity rate is intuitive and a mechanic many people already thought existed. No complaints here.
When you get to #5 though, that’s when the outlook becomes terrible. When you reduce the odds for macro-using players, you don’t stop them from using the macro. You just make them use the macro for longer to get what they want. That’s not a solution.
Despite most of these buffs being good, I think these changes are terrible. It comes down to the philosophy, and misunderstanding the loot chase.
See, macros represent a problem when they are widely used by the community. It means you have created a system that is so [i]unfun[/i] to engage with, [u]players would rather automate the process than do it as intended[/u]. And I’m afraid these tweaks, while good, do not provide a solution. Unless you make the class items drop like cheap candy, which I doubt will happen. Sure Overthrows are a more active farm than running around in a circle or a macro, but these changes are only addressing a symptom.
The issue isn’t the drop rate. The issue is [i]how long it takes to thread the needle on your dice rolls.[/i]
Fundamentally: [u]players don’t want to spend over 100 hours farming for lottery tickets[/u]. There’s this lovely analysis by someone on Twitter (please help me find it, community!) that explained that 50% of players will spend over 400-500 hours farming for all the class item drops they want (not every combo, just the combos [i]they want[/i]) These tweaks change the time to maybe 300-400 hours for 50% to get what they want. 200 if the odds are high. But that’s still not good enough. That’s still absurd and unhealthy.
[b]Players are using macros because they want to do more than run around the Pale Heart for endless hours failing to get the one drop they want that enables the playstyle they desire.[/b]
You need a perk combination lockout system at a minimum. You need to draw a ceiling for how long someone can do Exotic class item farming before they can just stop.
Or, you can drop the pretense of having this item be a random drop and make the perks selectable like the Aeon suite. One drop by doing the quest, and you’re done. Easy peasy. [i]The fantasy is enabling the Prismatic playstyle you want, and this lets you have whatever fantasy you’re pursuing on the fly without having to invest 100+ hours to try it out[/i]. This ends the random drop system, a system I suspect Bungie wants to keep, but cures a second problem in the process: inventory bloat.
Inventory bloat is a massive problem in Episode: Echoes. Each player has around 8-12 combinations they want on the class items [i]per character[/i], and each combo takes up a slot. These Exotics are meant to incentivize creativity but the limited vault space says no. I’m already 675/700 in my vault and I have been dismantling unneeded items out the wazoo! You can save every player around 30 vault spaces this way.
Until you address how incredibly unhealthy the Exotic class item reward system is, the problem is not solved. Higher drop odds are not a cure, it only addresses the symptom of the time sink.
It boils down to:
1) the random drop system is incredibly time consuming and unhealthy. [u]Rampant macro use is a response to this problem[/u]. Boosting drop rates does not solve this problem, only shrinking the size of the time sink. [i]Macros will still be used after the nerf to chest drop rates, they’ll just be used for longer than before[/i].
2) there is no ceiling to how long you can spend trying to get the combinations you want. This contributes to the size of the time sink and the incentive to use macros. A “half is what I want” roll is not good enough and will not be used. The value comes from combining the two perks to make [i]your[/i] fantasy, after all.
3) even if a knockout system on perk combos was implemented tomorrow, the Exotic class items are still responsible for massive inventory bloat.
Until these 3 points are addressed, the community will continue to regard the Exotic class item grind as a blight upon the game.
EDIT: Thank you Mactics for putting it succinctly.
I have a better idea. Make it drop from any completed ritual activities like every other exotic. Give it to rahool to buy it from him like every other exotic. My 11 year old brother could of thought of this.
Should've just put them in Nightfalls once you unlock them........the game has become more tedious over time..... I haven't bothered with the Mission at all given what it's requirement is. An not many players meet that requirement.
Edited by KalelKryptonian: 7/25/2024 9:49:58 PMBlame PC streamers and there cheating macro
90+ hostages hold by hamas for 400+ days - old
Damn 5# is idiotic af. Why forcing me to do something i already did around 50 times? (Well i opened around 1000 chests but at least i did it mindlessly while watching simpsons) And can someone explain 6#? Does it means doing LS and Co-op missions simply have better odds to get exotic class item? -
I think it's funny because you guys are being played and have been for a few years now. They are developers and some of them have been at this for quite a few years. It's not that they don't understand what they are doing or can't figure out what's actually being asked to improve, it's that they refuse to actually improve anything. In other words, they are playing head games with you. It's the fact that they always create a problem designing content to sell a half-baked solution, and all naive people always fall for it. Or you will have this developer's minions defending every decision this developer makes even if the decision is wrong. It is all by design because they know most of you will run the activities no matter what happens. It doesn't matter how bad the activity gets, no matter how long it takes, or how bad the RNG is. They have most of you by the...
Imma be real.. The Class items arent that great compared other OP builds. And I know players with every good roll that never run them because they look like complete trash on Titan and Hunter. Too much of a deal is being made about them on every level
Funny .. You don't need an exotic class item in the first place . Why tf is everyone constantly crying about that stupid class item ??
Excellent breakdown. Logical and really intuitive design suggestions. Agree with it all. Aaaaaaand because of that it will go straight over Bungies head. I would dearly love to meet their game system designers to try and understand why they keep doing this.
I disagree. I think the changes will be great. Disagree with all you wrote, just a big tantrum, you either used the macro or you enjoy mindlessly zooming the same route for hours on end opening chests without doing anything gaming-related And if you did either, you should have godrolls for all classes by now. Either way, those chest gremlins in matchmade overthrow were annoying af, they load in with you with a useless eager edge sword and a sniper and only go after all the chests immediately. Buncha -blam!-. Extremely selfish. And now a literal afk macro farm has been nerfed too On top of buffs to the actual event Idk why you wrote so many empty words, could’ve just written “I’m salty and you and me both know why but I’m just gonna try to get this undone”
Okay so I’m just going to be the devil advocate here, but what did you expect them to do, make it much more easier to for you to farm then open world then play the actual activity they made for it? Then why bother having the exotic mission? Look I get the frustration and annoyance but you had to see this coming, they weren’t gonna make it easier to farm the class item then to do the activitie
They never specify how much so don't trust them on this They can go with : 1. Increasing chances by 0.1% 2. As you open chests tied overthrow activities, your chance will increase by 0.05% 3. Higher tier give bigger increases to drop chance by 0.5% 5. Reducing chance from pale heart from 20% to 5% (just pulling out number from nowhere as example) That's still an increase, just negligible and they're still fulfilling their words
Toxic Practice = Toxic Community
What they should do is make it so non overthrow chests have NO chance to drop the exotic. No sympathy for the cheaters using macros. Actually learn how to play the game instead of cheating.
They most likely see player numbers and engagement with Pale Heart dropping like a rock. Overthrow just isn't that exciting or enjoyable after you've completed the exotic quests and other things. Pale Heart was fun for maybe a week, and then it turned into Neomuna. They obviously want to force more playtime/engagement with Overthrow and the zone in general.