Hi Bane!
I have a clan, Raiders of A New Dawn, that may fit your needs. We have around 38 active members, and I'm looking to add more so we can get more groups going.
I'm recruiting active members who want to run all activities, group up, chat, and help each other. Most importantly, have fun!
If you are interested, you can reply here or send me a message. I think you would fit in nicely with the group of guardians we have in the clan.
One last thing: What is your time zone? We are mostly EST and some CST. Just want to make sure our members will be on when you are.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hey MegaHobbit! My time zone is EST. I will say, I do get easily overwhelmed with group chats and such, so I may not be as active in that sense, but I will join and play whenever! I’m a teacher, so I’m currently on summer break and have plenty of time. One of my main concerns in toxicity. I’ve literally never played/had friends on Xbox due to toxic parenting and such, so I would love to have a welcoming team to chill with.
Hi Bane! So one thing I am very proud of is having zero toxicity in my clan. It isn't tolerated. As for being overwhelmed, no worries. Talk as much as you want/can. We are a bunch of chill people so I think you will get comfortable with us quick. I highly encourage people to group up and discord makes that easier. Plus it's need to voice chat cross platform.
Fantastic! I would love to join; where do I sign up?
Awesome to hear! We will be glad to have you join up. I'll send you a dm that has the discord link and then I'll send you the invite to the clan.