Plz Bungie, for the love of all that is holy, INCREASE THE DROP RATE FROM CHESTS for the exotic class item. I have been farming for HOURS and have not gotten one. Yes, my titan has one on but it's the only halfway decent one he got FROM THE MISSION. ALL i got from those chests was FREAKIN GLIMMER!!!! maybe a few had a pale heart or weapon engram but even that was rare too... I DONT WANT GLIMMER FROM CHESTS ANYMORE. Its like you want me to waste my time just because I cant run the mission like other ppl ALL THE TIME because I work too much.
90+ hostages hold by hamas for 400+ days - old
Gotta say im getting one every around 20 minutes, if you are not getting any for hours you might be doing something wrong -
Honestly for me, I would like to see a drop rate increase to all random drop exotics. Exotic class items, Dungeon weapons, Raid weapons, all of it. They need to boost those rates by a ton because their version of a "rare" drop rate is about the same as a gacha game. Suprised they haven't put in a pay to win system for them at this rate.