Frick the Gnome Lightning Sorcerer I played in a Pathfinder campaign was really fun.
We were taking a sky ship to escort a diplomat from our country to an enemy nation for peace negotiations. These ships were powered by crystals that interacted very poorly to other sources of magic, and skyrates (sky pirates) kept attacking us.
So I had a brilliant idea: tie me to a rope and dangle me off the ship far r enough so I wouldn't set off our ships crystals, then I just cast Fart Noise (Minor Illusion or something) at the enemies ship crystals and made them explode.
Later on we discovered the ship was actually loaded with barrels of a special powder that amplified magic and the diplomat was gone. We had actually been escorting a magic nuke to the enemy capital. A brave NPC steered the ship straight up and we all jumped off with rings of feather fall, but I made sure to pocket as much of the magic dust as possible.
One of the last sessions before the campaign was dropped we were in a boss fight with... basically Phyrexians deep within an ancient high tech Dungeon within a mountain. The leader set the place to self destruct and was attempting to escape via an airship in the hanger.
None of us could catch up to him and that ship was our way out, so I tossed out some powder and used my Force Lightning and I hit literally the entire hanger. The boss dropped dead, a party member on the opposite side of the massive room nearly joined them, and the ship started to explode along with everything else.
I objectively made things far worse.
We got out though, the mountain exploded and all but one member of the party went deaf for half a session lol
Of all the characters I've ever made, Frick was the most powerful. We were like level 3.
That sounds like a really creative, and fun campaign.