I've preordered the deluxe edition of destiny 2 beyond light and have been given the rifle and catalyst but not the ornament, master Rahool has nothing to give me.
EDIT & Soution: Inspect the gun and check the ornaments section for it, it should be there. My issue was I checked my collections and it was blacked out as if I never owned it, hope Bungie can fix that
Go to the appearance section for the weapon. It should already be there for you to use. [quote]Eyes up Guardian. [/quote]
Quick question is it the yellow look that the original one from d1 vanilla had?
Yea I was wondering that too. Only ornament I have is some snow-covered one which is ugly. Would much prefer the one we saw pictures of.
I've done that and don't have the ornament there either, it's weird. I just tried the solution you gave there in the edit but I still don't have it there. I have the gun and I've already completed the catalyst for it, but no ornament.... 🤔🤔🤔