[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Edited by Spawn: 1/21/2019 2:13:17 PMThere are 3 threads at the top of Feedback/Trending where you can feel free to continue your Feedback on this topic, which I'll link below. [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250656507?sort=0&page=0[/url] [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250649104?sort=0&page=0[/url] [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250659587?sort=0&page=0[/url] As far as moved posts, I would recommend reading the Code of Conduct in full : [quote]Bungie reserves the right to moderate this website and everything on it. You are here to contribute to the conversation, not to derail it. Any attempts to interfere with the discussion here will be removed. These guidelines require your best judgment, so please play nice. If you're not sure if the stuff you're about to share is appropriate for Bungie.net, don’t post it. That'll help you stay clear of the Banhammer's blast radius.[/quote] [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Bungie/conduct[/url] Thanks.
Let's keep this active and trending. ^_^ NOTHA BUUUUUUUUUUUUMP
Apparently Bungie have never heard of the Streisand Effect. :P [quote]"The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased.[1]"[/quote] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect
i honestly do not understand why they wont address it, like they could simply just make a small post and make it at the top/pinned saying "There will be something done about enhancement cores, we hear you" instead of wasting time deleting peoples threads lol
Keep on making posts. Dont ever stop. You want your voice heard op you are gonna have to ram it right down their throats. That goes for anyone and everyone. These devs are thick as bricks so unless you bombard them you arent getting anywhere. Keep on posting, and keep on upvoting it to the top so bungie always sees it. Better yet move to reddit and make posts there and upvote them too. Go to their twitter and post it there as well. Bombard them and they will showtheir true colours. It is just that simple.
It sounds like they are just getting annoyed..
Damn this is some Trump level BS going on in here.
Yep. They removed mine. I used an old meme. I was quite surprised.
That's it. The last few friends of mine that were playing D2 just quit because they don't like censorship. Good job Bungie. By removing our posts, you have just removed a few more of your paying customers.
Cuz why actually address the issue when you can sweep it under the rug? Anthem free demo Feb 1st
If you don’t want people fixating on the garbage infusion cores issue maybe you should release DLCs with actual content like Borderlands and they’ll be too busy playing the game to come on here and piss and moan.
Yeah they are. They're effectively saying, "we -blam!-ing get it." Everyone here knows flooding the forums doesnt speed up the time they make economy changes, evidence being how long they left the cores the way they were before the name change.
Pathetic aren’t they.
Moderators are a joke.
Imagine what would happen if people started making posts about leaving the game and committing to it? Bungie would have to listen then, or be dumb not to. Start a dEXITiny revolution; a mass exit or leaving of this game. Ayeee...fight and you may die. Run, ...and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance......, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies.....that they may take our POSTS, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! On a serious note, the fact they are taking the posts down, is just another straw of BS, and I’m sick of the BS that surrounds this Company and the community. Been here since day 1 and it’s just been frustration after frustration. All the lies, sneaky business tactics, dumbing down of the game etc. Enough already. It wasn’t until I played Alienation (which I bought for $2.49) that I realized how much fun I was missing. Shame, been here since D1 and the only thing that’s killing destiny is itself. There’s a reason why in 2018 AAA companies took massive hits to business and stock. People are fed up. Ban me if you must. Don’t care anymore. Out.
It's what the Ninjas do. They have a directive to remove posts to make make it seem that public opinion is favoring the current state of the game. They did their "Ninja" justice to myself and many others last year during their big clean up push. Ninja's such as the one who removed and commented on your post are the source of the problem and need to go. Looking at you one sided Ninja.
Spawn just removed mine too.
They only listen to their Best and Brightest.
Update: Spawn just removed my post about him removing my post. It’s Silenception.
Good. That's what you get for spamming it all over the forums. I was never in support of complete removal of enhancement cores from infusion, but even if I was I wouldn't be anymore. I don't want to associate myself with the idiots on here.
So funny that someone can post stuff like this with no proof, and everyone looses there minds sheep mentality.
We're not removing anything unless it's also breaking the Code of Conduct. You are free to post as much feedback here as you like. Currently, Moderators are moving feedback posts here from the Destiny 2 forum. We have a forum change going out next week you can [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47579]read about here[/url] that will combine the two boards. If you want to read my latest post on Enhancement cores, you can [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/250686675?sort=0&page=0&path=1]check it out here[/url].
Another day another mob of casuals trying to destroy Destroy.
As a former forum mod myself, I call BS. If someone had launched as assault if thus nature on my community, I would have deleted the offending posts without hesitation or regret.
If posts are being removed, it's more likely because players who try to use these forums are reporting your -blam!-ing spam and getting tired of it.