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10/5/2017 6:54:58 AM

Lost Sectors: How to make them good in future DLCs (because they're bad now)

DON'T TELL US WHERE THEY ARE. This is what people should be saying to each other about lost sectors: "hey remember that time we were doing a mission and we found that random cave off to the side which led to this underground base full of enemies? And we went in there and killed that boss and got this really cool chest piece that hardly anyone had seen before?" "Yeah that was awesome! Man I'm keen for some more Destiny! It was so good being able to find random places like that while doing other missions, and then going straight back to that mission afterwards!" A world as beautiful as Destiny's MUST be explored! But if we're told where everything is already then what are we doing there? Are we confirming the whereabouts of these places? "That place you told me about, I found it, it's there" "Oh cool, good to know" Why aren't WE as the players making those discoveries? The most I would want as a hint is for the NPCs at the tower to maybe subtly hint at something in a certain area on the maps. Like when NPCs start talking to you about random stuff when you go and see them, have them say "Hey there Guardian, what can I do for you? ................ By the way, I heard there was a lot of commotion the other night down near the *name of place* between the Fallen and the Cabal... Maybe it's worth checking out?" but make the hint very very vague. If Lost Sectors were actually done properly and were things you would accidentally stumble upon when you're out in the wild then YES they would have been worth it! They would have been exciting and memorable! But they're really just another every day mission... There's nothing special about these lost sectors at all. This is world building. Make us feel like we're the first to find these places. Put unique enemies in there and have them drop gear that looks like what they're wearing. Even if it's just one piece as apposed to a full set. Even if it's just for one class! I know it's unrealistic to ask for HEAPS of new gear sets and things like that but it's important to get Lost Sectors right, or else don't do them at all and put your effort into things that will keep people playing like more loot in other places.

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