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Edited by DarkDra9on: 7/25/2016 2:06:27 AM

Fabian Strategy Buff

Good Idea! Bungie make this happen!


Good Idea, but it could use some tweaks


Bad idea


As many of you know, Fabian Strategy is a fairly bad weapon. Planet Destiny did a [url=]video on it[/url] recently. The TL:DR version is this: -Front lines activates in shotgun range meaning that you are going to get killed by a shotgun (PvP). -Not enough ammo (PvP and PvE). Here is my suggestion. When Front Lines is active, and you are aiming down sights, give titans a small juggernaut shield on top of the RoF boost/damage loss. It doesn't have to be too big, just big enough that it protects me from some damage (maybe around 50hp?). This would work the same way as the regular juggernaut shield, and would have a short cool down (~5s) after being destroyed. So how does this help in PvP and PvE? In PvP, I now have more incentive to get into a closer range with my enemies, and challenge shotgunners. With the shield, I will be able to soften the blow from a shotgun, and actually make use of the Front Lines perk. In PvE, the problem can be solved by just giving the weapon casket mag (Mag+/Stability-) so that the weapon is not overly powerful. TL:DR Give titans a small juggernaut shield when ADS and front lines is active on fabian strategy. If you have any suggestions, please post down below!

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