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Edited by Lost Sols: 12/7/2015 2:20:21 AM

Who asked for another recap of last week's stream?

Communication breakdown. Edit2: [url=]No Endgame Without TTK?[/url] -LordZoltan Edit: Once a week this community looks to you for answers. Once a week you put up a post specifically for us and to give us information. What you are doing with the update is not right. You've taken the one chance we have a week of having any real answers to our community concerns and turned it into a sad joke. People flooded the forums with questions for you the last 2 weeks. Why are they here asking them? Because they care. Yet the only responses that aren't "soon" are rewording things you've already said. Okay, there were 2 or 3 new pieces of information today, but the rest was recapping last week's stream... Which you recapped in last week's update. And what you did tell us raises more questions than it answers. So Nightfalls no longer RTO, does that mean we'll see matchmaking? I just don't understand how you can look at these forums and see the hurt, confusion and anger at how you've handled this whole reveal process and still can't find a way to dignify this community with any type of response. Some of us will press on and keep hoping to get to the other side of this, but it's hard to blame anyone who is bailing at this point. We don't want you to fail, we want TTK to be a homerun. We want our friends to come back and to have people to play with again. We're trying to help, but once again... Help us help you. Guess I'll go subscribe to Edge to get my answers.

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  • Ahem, class, I have written a poem I would like to recite: Roses are red, violets are blue, bungie's weekly update told us nothing new. Thank you

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    • Bump

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    • Bump

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    • I've devised how we can make each weekly update a drinking game. The rules are as follows: When Deej contradicts himself = Take 1 shot When Deej acts smug = Take 2 Shots When Deej acts phony = Take 3 shots When Deej talks condescendingly = Take 4 shots When you can't wrap your mind around what the -blam!- the update says = Take 5 shots When you want to punch Deej in the face = Drink a whole beer. You should be hammered before finishing the update.

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      • Edited by cbrstar: 8/28/2015 1:07:29 AM
        I'm shocked more people haven't called DeeJ on his blatant lying!! TWEET THIS TO HIM :D He's old, it's all he listens to. (if any one want's to use this pic for their's public domain baby!, please do)

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        • Agreed

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        • This was some Grade A USDA Prime load of horse shit of an update. Taking away the XP boost for Nightfalls and replacing it...with the near future.. Taking out RTO for Nightfalls...because it penalized players too much. That's one of the reasons it was challenging... Only can do Nightfalls if you're level 40 AND have completed the raid..with still no matchmaking options...and no in-game LFG.. For those unfortunate souls that purchased TTK CE early, you still don't know what the "special" thing is you're getting...but Bungie's keeping track of you... Jesus. F*CKING. Christ....drops mic...

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        • ^Not really Lost Sols

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        • Edited by Goosa: 8/29/2015 7:08:54 AM
          I just wanted to put this out there, I haven't preordered TTK and at first it was because I just didn't believe what I was being told by the marketing for why TTK is worth it's price point. Now, I've realized that I don't trust Bungie [i]because they are not confident in their product[/i]. If they were they would be like any other studio that maintains a community, not afraid to engage them. Not afraid to take on the hard questions [i]sooner than later[/i]. Are not afraid to be their own voice. In other words, exude confidence not grasp to silence and cower. Edit: I'd like to change the last thing I said "not grasp to silence and cower" because I'm not sure the reason they are being silent ones cowardice. So that's not fair. What I will say instead is "not grasp to word play and lies of omission". Who knows if that's better haha

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        • Edited by DrtyNstyLeg: 8/28/2015 5:09:30 AM
 I feel this video explains a lot. It confirms Destiny is complete and they are now meeting release dates. This video also states that they are gonna sit back and wait for 2 weeks or so while all the exploits and bugs are found BY US. You clearly hear them hint that they are already working towards the next DLC release date. You can also CLEARLY here DEEJ say they are in a 10 year publishing contract. In my post titled Bungie/Activision Contract I go over how in the contract it says 10 year plan and was signed back in 2010. That is 5 years ago. Bungie is halfway through their 10 year plan. They used a play on words to make a lot of you think Destiny Year 1 Sept 15 2014 was the start of the 10 year plan. Stop being fooled. The excuse of this is my last PURCHASE or I already pre ordered is no longer valid. At this point I feel we need to make a choice. Either we are gonna expose Bungie for what they are and walk away. Or we are gonna need to STFU and stop repeating the same thing day in and day out. Good luck out there. Edit: I am guessing either I am muted or just being ignored. Either is perfectly ok with me and understandable. I would like to know if someone could pass this video along and get a response from Lost? Anyone? I am not gonna argue it or troll it. I am just curious because he reviews all the twitch and weekly wompdates. This is a video of all those he pleads with and tries to get in touch with on behalf of the community. *note the date the article was made*

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          • Dude, you were banned so no one told them not to do it

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            • "Did we mention that you’ll need to confront the immediate threat first? Oryx lies between you and these challenges. You'll need to survive his wrath to partake in the new endgame." This ^^ And once again they tell us to go look at some magazine in order to get information about the game.

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              • But Bungie relies on 3rd party business. It's where we get all our info on the game. And where we go to matchmake for activities. 3rd parties are it.

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              • I just realized how post of yours are on the front page. On another note. The nightfall will get way easier once they add the burn armors.

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              • Just read you post but I think I need a recap! :)

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                • No endgame. No strange coins. No nightfall. No money. [spoiler]Ill just be carrying around that demotivational poster the remainder of the day now. Thanks EA![/spoiler]

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                • You don't need to subscribe to Edge, thankfully has a recap. I get way better updates from them.

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                • So people who don't buy ttk are locked out of weeklies permanently?

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                  16 Replies
                  • I'm guessing that end game comes after the initial campaign. Just like the other DLCs. Anyways. If you don't purchase it how would you play the next raid anyway? I'm confused how this is confusing people.

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                  • Edited by Slain: 8/28/2015 1:04:59 PM
                    Deej and cozmo respond to the wrong threads. (I track their forum activity to assess what they know about our feedback). Most of it is "moving to #feedback" and "moving ti #recruitment". The rest consists of three worded answers to irrelevant questions. I think they need to start responding to the feedback that matters, the feedback that speaks for the community. Edit: both of them have been inactive for the last couple weeks, and at a crucial time for feedback. Shame.

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                  • I am just appaled at the weekly update. I am now left with more questions, its like trying to watch Lost on the TV, by the end run of this game im pretty sure we still will know nothing. Can i only complete Weeklies, Dailies and bounties once i have completed all the new stuff including raids? Why is Nightfall and Weekly being skyrocketed to level 40? So we cannot do them the first week that TTK is out? Why, Why, Why all i have is more Why, Who, What. I don't think Bungie knows what Update means. For those who feel bungie needs to learn this definition its below. [spoiler]verb (used with object), updated, updating. 1. to bring (a book, figures, or the like) up to date as by adding new information or making corrections: to update a science textbook. 2. Computers. to incorporate new or more accurate information in (a database, program, procedure, etc.). 3. to bring (a person, organization, etc.) up to date on a particular subject: The magazine article will update you on the international situation. noun 4. an act or instance of updating: to make an update in a financial ledger. 5. information or data used in updating. 6. an updated version, model, or the like.[/spoiler] Seriously, i have not been brought up to date, my lsit of questions has been increased though. Shadow out.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Shortest. Lost Sols. Post. Ever. #StillNeedCliffsNotes

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                      4 Replies
                      • Why can't they have more clarity when they release information. So what about strange coins are they going to be more rare and how about people who have 800+ coins lol.

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                      • So they made it sound like endgame content (nightfalls weeklies, etc) will now be restricted to TTK owners only since you now have to beat Oryx in order to reach endgame content. Greaaat. Another money move by Bungie.

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                      • Bumped. What happens to strange coins if they remove weekly?

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