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Edited by the horse: 9/11/2015 2:16:08 PM

new story missions ideas for the forge of gods DLC

mission 1 "The hidden Leader" it takes place on mars inside a large cabal fleet. it goes to a cut scene where it focuses on the cabal leader Kaz Lupal leader of all the cabal. Legionary: sir Kaz Lupal: what is it unit 564 Legionary: you know your brothers, the ones you sent into the dreadnaught to destroy it? Kaz Lupal: yes why? Legionary:'RE DEAD!!!!!! Kaz Lupal: my brothers. dead? Legionary: killed by a team of 3 guardians of the light they did everything they can to survive yet they died. Kaz Lupal: I WANT ALL THE GUARDIANS WHO KILLED BY BROTHERS TO BE DEAD I WILL AVENGE THEIR DEATHS! then it goes to Phobos where you investigate the ruins of the firebase that oryx destroyed. Ghost: i remember this place when the taken blew it to pieces. lets see what we can find here. then you go down into a hallway where you see a team of cabal and fallen with vex tech Ghost: Fallen? what are they doing with the cabal? and why are they using vex weaponry? you kill them only to find out that the fallen are half vex! Ghost: The fallen, they're half vex! Guardian: Zavahla can you see this?! Zavahla: yes i can. it appears that the fallen have implanted vex tech into themselves but who did it? you explore the rest of the ruins only to find an all out battle between the vex, taken, cabal, and fallen. Then you see your ship getting shot down by a cabal flagship Guardian: MY SHIP! Ghost: Looks like the only way out is to take one of the cabal's ships. you later fight through hordes of vex, taken, fallen, and cabal to reach a cabal drop ship. you later find yourself in an all out sky battle with the cabal. Ghost: Cayade, whats the quickest way out of here? Cayade 6: your only way out is through the cabal so it looks if your going to have to fight. you fight until your ghost says its OK to jump. Ghost: OK the slip space drive is ready. you press the recommended button on the screen the it goes to a cutscean. Ghost: OK were on our way home. End of mission mission 2: the forgotten Ghost: from what i can gather, the cabal seem to have formed an alliance with these fallen/vex hybrids these vex fallen hybrids refer to themselves as the forgotten an ancient race millions of years old. possibly as old as the vex. Zavahla: great just what we need double the cabal threat. Ghost: don't worry i have an idea. then you go to mars outside firebase Delphi. this place used to be a guardian battle ground now its just empty. Cayade 6: i used to fight guardians here all the time. you go inside only to find taken and fallen at an epic battle Ghost: Taken and fallen. but where's the cabal? Cayade 6: according to their transmission they evacuated the station because of a massive power leak and sent these fallen/vex to fix it Zavahla: but why are the taken here? Ghost: looks like the taken are taking cabal bases all around the system you later fight waves of taken and fallen to reach the power core of the firebase. location named the core. you later enter a room with the power core inside. Ghost: put me in and i'll check it out. you insert your ghost into the power core then Kaz Lupal comes out of a large door. Kaz Lupal: YOU!!!! YOUR THE ONE WHO KILLED MY BROTHERS!!!!!! you later fight him till he runs out of health. Kaz Lupal: this isn't over guardian, i will have my vengeance! he later leaves the room and the power leak is fixed Ghost: Who was That? then goes to a cutscean Elderark: Kaz Lupal. Kaz Lupal is his name. Guardian: Who are you? Elderark: i am elderark the worrier vanguard. i was sent here by my leader to help you guardian. your probably wondering, What's a worrier? well, a worrier is a lost ancient fighter. thousands of years old. they have the ability to wield swords made of void energy and a shield made of arc energy. then a solar wolf comes behind elderark and rubs against your guardian. Ghost: then whose this? Elderark: oh that's my friend "Sword." Ghost: and he's a wolf, made of solar energy? Elderark: yes, you see as a worrier you have the ability to summon a solar created pet to fight for you. Ghost: Amazing! say, where do you find these worriers? Elderark: their not many left. the darkness wiped them out like moths to a flame. but there are still some left on Pluto fighting hoping that the darkness wont find them. Ghost: then we need to go to Pluto. Forgotten: (Roars) Elderark: we don't have much time do you think the speaker can allow me into the tower? Guardian: i think so. Elderark: good lets head to my ship cutscean over then you obtain a legendary ship called, "the road to godhood" now when you go to the tower, Elderark will be where the vanguards are with a purple and black ghost. mission 3: End-Dark the ruthless takes place on Pluto in a location called the outpost Ghost: the forgotten divided into 2 houses. the house of gods and the house of eye. apparently they follow fallen tradition. Elderark: i know all about these forgotten. they are the deadliest threat of all, deadlier than the taken and oryx. Zavahla: if they are going to be just as dangerous as the taken then we need to wipe them all out. now! then it goes to a cutscean Ghost: apparently the forgotten put up a metal shield around the entire planet. this will make it difficult to get in. Ghost: i'm detecting multiple forgotten signatures behind the planet you fly around the planet then find a massive fleet of forgotten Elderark: God, this is the largest forgotten fleet I've ever seen Ghost: well this is the only way we'll be allowed into the planet. cutscean over you land at a location called "The Outpost" if were going to gain access to the planet we'll need to tap into their planetary defense grids and make it so we can get into the planet. End-Dark: ah a guardian of the light. perfect. i will need you very soon. Elderark: no End-dark. he's here on this ship! get out of there guardian now! Ghost: why what is it that worries you so much? Elderark: he's the kell of the house of gods, a deadly and relentless forgotten house! he is the most skilled, trained and dangerous fallen to have ever lived! GET OUT NOW GUARDIAN! suddenly you feel a sword going through your body Ghost: guardi-AKK you see your ghost getting stolen by a forgotten hobgoblin then you get a quick glimpse of End-Dark The ruthless just before your screen goes black. Ghost: i'll never talk! Forgotten vandal: you will or else, death. End-Dark: enough! no ones killing anyone. then your screen turns to normal. Forgotten: vandal: looks like your guardian friend is awake. End-Dark: this is it. this is all he is? Ghost: what did you expect more? End-Dark: release him. you then fall to the ground on your knees, then you get picked up by End-Dark Feedback needed plz comment i'll have more stories coming soon. plz read all of it plz

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