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2/12/2015 5:35:58 PM

Easy 7-Step Fix for Raids & Other Stuff

All they need to do is copy DC Universe Online's 8 player raid setup. Seven easy steps listed below to drastically increase the fun of Destiny's raids. First you need to meet the combat level (armor and weapon level) for OPTIONAL MatchMaking. Second, anyone can vote to kick someone out but it must be a majority among all players. Third, I've rarely ran into many AFKers in the higher level raids in DCUO since you need to play and grind a lot to get access. Put them on a warning list and start to ban them from all matchmaking for a few days. They'll either get the hint or be blocked from others. Fourth, if a player doesn't make it to the next "section" of the raid in 60 seconds they get automatically booted. Fifth, you can choose to join in any game or only fresh starts. Sometimes I don't mind helping others mid way in just for a chance to do some other content. Sixth, everyone that finishes gets something useful and valuable, not motes, energy or shards. Those items would be in addition to raid gear and exotics that are guaranteed upon completion. Seventh, add random mechanics to change AI behavior, types and obstacles to the hard raids instead of bumping their level above ours and increasing HP and shields. [b][u]Other stuff:[/u][/b] I personally wish Destiny had PvP and PvE specific guns and armor. That way they could unleash a Borderlands/Diablo loot system and keep a balanced limited loot system for PvP. PvE gear would be ineffective in the Crucible and likewise PvP gear would be ineffective in PvE. Iron Banner would be wide open for any loadout. The best gear and skill rules! Making these simplistic changes would really open up Destiny and make grinding fun since you never know what you'll get. There would basically be no "best" weapon or armor in PvE and give us the option to try different loadouts and techniques. Of course not having an open world map like DCUO is still an issue for a lively Patrol area but I hope they are working on that. Speaking about Patrols, let's get some variety there, how about special bounties from NPCs that link several things to do for a chance at something better? I'd also eliminate the stupid ammo penalty for swapping guns (biggest reason not to try other weapons with less overall use) and remove emotes for weapon and armor loadouts. That works great in DCUO. Visuals.. Come on, let us choose how we want our toons to look like. DCUO does and it's nice to see unique players instead of the same bland looks. Don't forget about the color, not all of us like brown... Why do we still not have a vendor that sells and buys EVERY material and consumable. Come on, let's fix the economy and allow farming to be profitable like it used to. If I am grinding for upgrades and other stuff let's make everything worth something. I'm still sitting on thousands of armor materials and planetary materials. I also can't even tell you how many brown rare ships I've salvaged... For nothing... I thought these ships are precious and few in existence? Why does the ship chick sell rare ones for 10k but we get nothing for them? Why does decoding ship schematics not give us anything? She is worse than the Cryptarch. Finally, loading screens... Shorten the time AND remove Orbit from starting out and setting destinations. If you spend the time recording how much you are sitting in orbit you'll be shocked. If we want to join a Patrol fireteam don't force me to go to orbit and back again. Come on, this is 2015 not 1990's. I've not seen so many loading screens since the Sega CD 23 years ago. Next gen should be near instant. Why do I see loading screens in Patrol? DCUO has massive maps and I'd rarely see loading screens in the open world. That was on a PS3! If you are still reading this long post please comment on things you agree with and things you don't. I am interested in what others think or ideas I didn't think of. I just wish Bungie would be too.

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