I was running kells fall on expert with a buddy and we both died at separate times thus preventing a wipe. However we both revived outside of the arena with no way back in. Anyone else having this problem?
Hello houndoom9, Thank you very much for the report. I'm sorry to hear that you spawned outside of the level in Kells Fall. We've received reports of this issue and are investigating the underlying issue further. To review any Known Issues, we recommend viewing them on the following [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/27062192032404-Destiny-2-Year-7-Known-Issues-and-Vital-Information?_ga=2.253677134.658450834.1731968016-193566395.1731968016]Page[/url]. For any updates on this issue, we recommend viewing our Patch Notes as they become available, posted on the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News]News[/url] page.