They can’t do that because that would make so many people angry… somehow. Apparently, if a solo player gets the opportunity to acquire the class item, it’ll disappear from other people’s inventories. If you’re happy, they’ll be sad. We can’t have that!
Nah I just don't want to reward people for this kind of whiny antisocial behavior, you want it get out your comfort zone like many have.
That is the sentiment
Edited by The Legend Himself: GONZO: 8/6/2024 1:22:30 PM[quote]I just don't want to reward people for this kind of whiny antisocial behavior…[/quote] I didn’t realize you worked for Bungie.
Edited by LikwiD_SmOkE22: 8/5/2024 8:49:03 PMThat's not even true. Too many players are crybabies and refuse to play the mission the one required time.
lol. I doubt you will but you should follow the conversation on this thread to see the crux of the argument.
There is no argument to be made. Do the mission one time or don't. Lol if you don't do it guess what... you don't get the class item. If you run the mission.. guess what... you don't have to run it again you can just farm the pale heart and hope to get one solo as you like.
Or it could be the fact that it's a useless and unneeded change that's being demanding due to "solo" players making the choice not to do it the right way.
The right way. That attitude helped kill this game.
Do people like you also forget that the dumbing down and making things super easy and simple was why the game almost failed at launch, or do you just choose to ignore for the sake of being able to make these useless arguments that dumbing the game down isn't bad.
Edited by Ulzana: 8/5/2024 2:14:49 AMYou live in an alternate reality. NOBODY from the 3 dozen people I know that quit this game did so because the game was dumbed down and too easy. All they wanted to do was play a fun game. Millions quit because Bungie kept changing the economy, because Bungie removed things from the game that they earned or outright paid for, and because there were too many barriers to earn/upgrade gear.
You’re the one living in an alternate world pretending D2Y1 didn’t exist 😂
My friends literally quit in year 1 for months because the grind was so dumbed down, that even with a 40 hour job behind our backs we had everything 🤣 But sure...that's not the issue
Year 1 of D1 or D2? What exactly do you consider dumbing down? If you're talking difficulty that's one thing, but in the last few years, D2 has turned into such a confusing mess that new players quickly dip out. If you're talking vanilla D2. Static rolls and all that, it didn't take long for that to change back. Destiny was in a great place at the end of D1 and all the unnecessary changes by Bungie did hurt player count. I just don't consider that dumbing down. I saw it as ripping the guts out of the game for no discernable reason. As for the subject of this thread: I don't see how making things more accessible for new players and solo players hurts or "dumbs down" the game. As long as there are levels of difficulty and challenging end game content available.
It took them almost an entire year to fix vanilla d2. Most of my friends quit around that time Yes it's hard to get new players but that is not because of gameplay. Its because you have to ask the question, how do you get invested in a story if all the story bits that are of importance are either removed or sunset to never return Believe me, it's not just destiny that has that issue to gain new players, it's any MMO that has been played for quite some years by a community Dumbing down the game results in almost virtually anyone leaving regardless of skill level. The casuals will just move to cod once that had their fill and return after 3 months. Hard-core players also left because why spend time in a game that doesn't reward anything for investing time in it, because you already have everything. Most people are forgetting that if people aren't spending time in game, they aren't spending money in eververse so why would a company dumb down a game?
Edited by Salty-47: 8/5/2024 2:30:38 AMI live an alternate reality, but I'm not the one who keeps playing something I don't enjoy, and then comes to the forums to complain about the stuff I keep playing. If you don't like the stuff, then stop playing. When the game keeps going on without you, then guess what? The rest of us will still be coming back to play while you just keep complaining and probably still keep coming back to play while doing so. Oh wait, that's right, I forgot. You came back and played one mission, and other than that, you haven't been on the game since August of last year. But I'm the one living in a different reality. Not the person who doesn't even play what the person who made the original post is even talking about
I didn't even play one mission. I'm not sure what exactly but I logged in to look at something in my stash after watching a YouTube video. Instead, I got thrust into the opening of TFS and quit out. I'm in the forums because Bungie, a company that I've bought software from for 30+ years, is circling the drain. I'm ok with that because they robbed me of content I purchased. I was curious how many deluded Bungie fanboys are left, and you seem to be one of the last of a dying breed.
If you have not played the game or have access to the exotic mission, your opinion is worth nothing.
Edited by Ulzana: 8/6/2024 7:43:35 PMSays somebody that goes all the way back to 2022 on these forums. LOL. Your Titan is @ 1900 same as mine. What's your opinion worth? I've been a Bungie customer for over 30 years. I've been playing Destiny since before it was publicly released. I own every DLC on 3 platforms except The Final Shape and will buy TFS for $8 or less someday. I don't need to play this particular exotic mission to support a solo player that wants access to that mission.
Would the deluded bungie fan boy be the person who goes to a forum for a game they don't play to complain about something in the game that they can't even start for an item they can't even earn. God forbid someone other than you likes a game, but at least I'm not the one lurking on a forum for something I don't even play. Enjoy complaining about things you can't do and aren't able to do, but think you have any valid input for said thing.
Edited by Salty-47: 8/5/2024 1:57:40 AMGames still playable and still has a much higher player count then most other games that are 7 years old. Also, the attitude of playing the game the way it was intended is how it killed the game. Not the fact that whining and demanding needless changes for things working the way that they are made.
“The right way.” Riiiiiiiight. How would this affect you?
Because by them changing something to make a dumb downed version of itself means they would just be giving the middle finger to everyone who didn't whine and complain when the people who are whining and complaining are doing so just because they made the choice to not do it the right way. Dumbing the game down doesn't solve issues, which the launch of d2 proved by no one wanting to play because it was pointless with everything being dumbed down so much. Either deal with your own choice to not do the mission the right or just stop crying and do the mission with 1 other person already. Bungie hasn't given any form of indication that they are going to change it, so the people complaining about it should probably just do it already and stop whining about it.
How is making it playable solo dumbing it down? Why is one way the right way? Are you 5 years old?
Edited by Salty-47: 8/4/2024 5:47:42 PMThe right way is the way they made the mission. Making it soloable is dumbing it down because they have to redesign all of the mechanics to work with one person. So let's see. For the first part of defeating enemies and picking up motes. They would have to remove the fact that you have 2 separate motes to pickup and have the enemies not be required to have light or dark to defeat them. The clocks they would just outright have to remove, seeing as how it can't work if you have only 1 set for the first clock and you can't shoot both sides for the last clock. So, by definition, that would dumbing the whole thing down just because of a small groups choice not to do it the intended way when said group could literally just join each other and do it instead all the crying and complaining that they can't do it solo in the MULTIPLAYER game. Also, wouldn't it be all the people crying demanding it to change who are the ones acting 5 when the rest of us are just fine with doing it the way it was made and not making unnecessary demands for change.