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2/6/2017 3:37:47 AM

Year 1 vs year 2 vs Year 3

Year 1 "primary meta" "skill gap meta" "no bloom"


Year 2 "sniper meta" "bloom"


Year 3 "Shotgun meta" "Bloom again"


It hurts to go look back at year 1 gameplay. The game was imo amazing. Pvp was competitive because there was no rng in gunfights, primaries were strong, classes were pretty balanced, and overall the game had a skill gap. Yes last word and thorn were op but everyone had access to those guns. Weapons were rerollable so players could obtain rolls without the ridiculous grind we have now. Crucible was about who had more skill rather than who has the better rng or better roll on their weapon. Bloom wasn't a thing as well. All in all, year 1 pvp was the most fun for me. I could play for hours and not get bored. The game was addicting especially if u played sweats. Now, I get on only to get frustrated when I run into a lobby with 5 brain dead shocklocks. Please bungie, start listening to the top pvpers when it comes to balancing crucible. Top pvpers have a better understanding how things should work and what makes the game more competitive. Listening to the casuals has given us a pvp where max armor is a thing (surviving 3 taps), a melee that can kill u from Africa (stormcaller melee), bloom is a thing, ttk on primaries is so bad that everyone jus runs at u with a shotgun, and exotic weapons r weak meaning legendaries are more sought out for which then leads to more rng. This game has gotten worse and worse with each update. Hopefully, the next update buffs the hell out of primaries and removes bloom otherwise I don't see many of the top players playing this game anymore.

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