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Edited by Sekc Chalklit: 7/30/2016 7:12:56 PM

Everything Should Be Overpowered

If everything was overpowered, then nothing would be. It would be way easier to counter things and we would actually [i]feel[/i] powerful, rather than feeling like we're in this big pillowfight. If everything was OP like in the early days of Destiny, then the game would be a lot more fun. And there are many people that agree. So plz Bungie. Make everything OP again. Afterall, that is why I got this game in the first place. How are we going to Become Legend if everyday it feels like we are becoming more like a fairytale. Edit: People think that I want it to be like CoD. Nope. I mainly just want everything to be buffed back to their orignal values so that they feel powerful again. Saying that everything should be overpowered is more of a concept. I don't want like 1 shot kill handcannons and stuff lol. Just for things to be buffed so that they are more viable.

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  • No offense but I disagree. This idea sounds good but just isn't true. Overpowered weapons "feel" good due to how they interact with other weapons. If everything becomes more powerful, absolutely nothing changes.

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  • Just put everything in when they where most powerful Pulse rifles from pulse rifle meta HC from HoW AR from vanilla So on and so forth

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  • It would be much more fun :)

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  • I think you're talking about mayhem modes for everything ,weapons too somehow ,more or less might be a fun experiment.

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  • Calm down there Syndrome.

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    • I'm blown away by the ignorance radiating from this post. That is such a terrible way to handle imbalance. Other game devs would laugh at such an uneducated post.

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      • Edited by PolarEnds: 8/1/2016 5:11:46 AM
        If everything seems underwhelming, then instead of buffing everything into oblivion, how about reducing guardian health by 20%? Edit: My point for this post was to say that buffing everything was not the easiest way to make the change suggested above, and in no way do I suggest it through my own rational thinking.

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        3 Replies
        • This is why I enjoy this game: you don't die instantly like in CoD etc. I made a burst weapon in Black Ops 2 that killed people with one 4-round burst, no head shots needed. It makes the game boring when the person who wins the firefight is always the person who shoots first. In destiny, you get to be tactical during firefights by jumping around and if you out-shoot your opponent by landing Mida headshots or whatever, you get rewarded. I want destiny to stay destiny please

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        • Go play cod if you wanna have pvp where it takes no skill to make kills

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          • I guess that people actually want things to be overpowered now and not the other way around.

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          • The kill should take long, just like in halo 3 Otherwise this game is to fast en than it is lees special

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            2 Replies
            • Most people are not intelligent enough to understand metaphor, or any form of subtlety in these forums (most users are kids or 20-something-know-everything's who barely finished high school). They take what you write literally, so you have to be careful to make it really clear. Unless, like me, you like screwing with people. He he. But good post!

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            • Just completely separate pvp/pve nerfs and buffs. That would solve the problem tenfold

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              2 Replies
              • Bungie understands the way forward with the development of Destiny is through nerfs. If you cannot accept this truth you should find something else to play.

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              • Oh, so you mean take it back to year one when the vex and suros were god and it made everyone want to play vault of glass??? Yeah i totally agree. Reset everything back to day one. It was ten times better. No more nerfs

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              • Overwatch

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                • People always say go play C.o.D. Just because people want stronger weapons and faster kill times doesn't make it this game anything like C.o.D. This game isn't like anything we have ever seen. It's not Halo, not C.o.D nor battlefield and neither Titanfall. It is a completely new type of PvP. People need to understand that with a game as diverse and unquie as Destiny things need to be different. Regardless of meta guns and abilities, there are 10's of thousands possible load outs. Try balancing a system that allows for such a massively unique experience. All nerfs do is limited what people can use. If we were to buff subclasses and weapons as a whole we would see a better and a more diverse system.

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                  • I understand, i want more space magics personally.

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                  • Look man I like you. I really do. I see you fighting the anti nerf fight every day on these forums. But power creep is a real thing. I like having halo kill times. Not COD. I want to have a chance to out gun my opponent if I see them a second late.

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                    55 Replies
                    • In a way I agree. I would lik3 balance by any means. Unbalance=Meta: Meta=People Seeing the Same Gun Name Pop Up When They Die: People Seeing the Same Gun Name Pop Up When They Die=Nerfs and Crying: Nerfs and Crying=More Crying and Nerfs.

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                    • Edited by Dampfanator: 7/30/2016 9:58:33 PM
                      And when [b]everything[/b] is OP, [b]nothing[/b] will be.

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                    • Edited by unspoken threats: 7/30/2016 4:41:00 PM
                      Bump. Everyone's hating on CoD kill times but it's obviously a winning recipe. Destiny is slower than core kill times. I'm in slow motion playing this game. Falling asleep pressing the trigger. Started looking at the clouds...forgot the enemy needed to be killed. OK. 3 seconds later his shield is down. OK...I got this...nope, I'm falling asleep again. Here's the deal: THERE SHOULD BE AN OPTION FOR FASTER-PACED GAME MODE AND THE CURRENT GAME MODE. EASY FIX: LESS GUARDIAN HEALTH IN THE FASTER ONE. EVERYTHING IS OP!!!!! BOOM. -blam!-ING DONE. TKO.

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                      13 Replies
                      • Then lets just make the game have CoD kill times where the majority of "skill" is decided on who is host.

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                        • Everything was not OP in the early days of Destiny. ARs, Shotguns, and Fusions were.

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                        • Pve sure. Not in pvp.

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                        • Agreed. It takes too long to kill with primaries. Buff everything back to year 1.

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