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12/11/2015 12:52:46 PM

Ideas of Public Events - Changes + Additions - Part 1

Note: To better integrate this, maybe the Patrol areas could be expanded or there could be multiple Patrol areas per planet, although if think the former option would be preferable. If people have their own suggestions, feel free to post them below and we can discuss them Credit to PlanetDestiny for suggesting a Tier system for other Events. [b]War Vehicle Encounter - This essentially replaces the Fallen Walker Event but allows for more variation in the encounters.[/b] Tier 1: Major War Vehicle Encounter: Defeat a powerful War Machine within the allotted time. This vehicle can be any of the following depending on the location the event occurs. Tier 2: Advanced War Vehicle Encounter: This vehicle has a more complex method to effectively deal damage and has more powerful attacks and higher health than the previous tier. Tier 3: Ultra War Vehicle Encounter: An encounter with a vehicle that boast unique and powerful abilities. Is much more difficult to damage and often has its own mechanics required to be able to damage it. Unlike other Public Events, these encounters can only spawn in one specific location per planet and they also let out a single indicating that they are occurring over a much longer distance. Fallen War Vehicles • Spider Tanks/Walkers: Multi-legged vehicles with a powerful cannon that can deploy mines and Shanks to attack from all angles. • Gliders: A fast and nimble glider that can cover a wide area with projectiles. Cabal War Vehicles • Goliath Tanks: A heavy tanks that can easily speed up and ram it's targets into the wall. • Typhoons: Heavy aircraft that while slow, can break through most defences. Can also assume a ground mode to use its heavier weapons more accurately. • Conqueror Tanks: A tank that also serves a support vehicle, providing shielding for nearby Cabal as well as additional fire power. [b] Defeat the Fallen Extraction Crews - Mostly unchanged save for the Tier 2 and Tier 3 variants.[/b] Tier 1: Basic Extraction Crews: Glimmer Drills will spawn as well as a group of Fallen Enemies. Defeat them all to disable the drill. After this group is defeated, another drill will spawn. A total of 3 drills need to be disabled to complete the event. Tier 2: Reinforced Extraction Crews: During this Event, 6 drills will spawn in total. After the first is disabled, 2 more will spawn at the same time and both must be disabled to activate the next phase. During the final phase, 3 drills will become active. Enemies during this Tier are also stronger. Tier 3: Heavily Armed Extraction Crews: Unlike previous Tiers, the drills now spawn every 30 to 40 seconds apart from each other and players have until the end of the event to disable them. However the longer the drill is active the more enemies will spawn to fortify it and additional defences can also spawn, such as mines or turrets. [b]Defend the Crash Site - A new version of the crashed Warsat Event, mostly unchanged save for the Tier 2 and Tier 3 variants.[/b] Tier 1: Warsat Defence: Stand within range of the Warsat whilst surviving attacks by enemies. Tier 2: Warsat Repair and Defence: This Warsat is damaged and requires players to retrieve scattered parts from around the point of impact and return them to the Warsat at regular intervals. Failing to do this, will cause the progression of the Warsat to drastically slow down. Tier 3: Crashed Ship Repair and Defence: This final Tier replaces the Warsat with a downed Faction ship, belonging to either Dead Orbit, New Monarchy or FWC. Players still need to repair and prep the ship for transport, but they also have to defend its pilot. If the pilot dies, the Event ends in failure. (I'm on the fence about the pilot just being a normal guy or a faction based Guardian, since if it's the latter you could revive him and it'd make the encounter more manageable. It'd also be a neat way to preview Faction armour/weapons and even ships, also it'd be nice if after completing this event, if you pass by the corresponding Faction Rep they'll say like "thanks for helping out blah blah" or something. Not exactly Shaxx calling you the Slayer of Oryx but it'd be nice.) [b]Kill the Enemy Target - Mostly unchanged save for the Tier 2 and Tier 3 variants. The only change is that the Targets will have a unique visual design, i.e. Fallen Captains will have the Archon design instead.[/b] Tier 1: Eliminate the Target: Players need to kill a high level Major before it reaches several checkpoints in the area. The enemy and the number of checkpoints depends on the location. The enemy in question has high health and a regenerating shield. Tier 2: Eliminate the Squad Leader: This Tier replaces the checkpoints with a squad of enemies. They will try to move towards the Target and if they get within range, will tether to him and grant him a stacking damage and defence buff. Once the primary target has been defeated, they will retreat. Tier 3: Eliminate the Elite Squad: For the final Tier, instead of a single target, there will be a group of 3 high level enemies to combat. Like the previous Tier, if they move to close together they will receive a buff, so players just need to keep them separated whilst pouring on the DPS. [b]Prevent Vex Sacrifices - Mostly unchanged save for the Tier 2 and Tier 3 variants.[/b] Tier 1: Defend a Conflux: A Conflux spawns and players must defend it from waves of Vex that attempt to sacrifice themselves to it. If too many Vex sacrifice themselves, then the Event ends in failure. Tier 2: Defend the Advanced Conflux: The second Tier works much like the first but every minute or so, the Conflux will teleport to a different location. After it teleports, it will generate a bubble shield that prevents players from entering or exiting. This Conflux can also take less sacrifices before the event fails. Tier 3: Defend the highly Advanced Conflux: For the final Tier, only 5 Vex can sacrifice themselves to the Conflux. This Conflux will not teleport around or generate a force field but will instead teleport all active player near to it, once it activates. Throughout the Event, smaller Confluxes will start spawning in the immediate area, and will spawn further away as the Event continues. This is indicated by a beam of light shooting into the sky. Players can prevent these Mini-Confluxes from spawning by shooting them before they fully materialize. However once they spawn, all active players are teleported to the primary Conflux. If a Vex sacrifices itself to a Mini-Conflux, it will reduce the sacrifice count, despawn the Conflux and increase the total time slot by 30 seconds to a minute. [b] Aid the Awoken attack - A new Event that takes place in space based location such as the Reef or the Dreadnaught.[/b] Tier 1: Destroy the Turrets: A group of Awoken ships will attempt a strafing run on the enemy location. While this is going on, around 3 enemy turrets and open fire on the ships. These turrets need to be destroyed before the 5 ships get shot down. Tier 2: Destroy the Advanced Turrets: During this Tier, the turrets are outfitted with defence turrets and force generators. These generators are attached to nearby enemies which need to be killed to damage the turrets themselves. Tier 3: Destroy the Ultra Turret: For this final Tier, an additional boss turret will spawn that will rain projectiles at the players while the other turrets are firing at the ships. This boss turret cannot be damaged until the other 3 turrets are destroyed and once this happens, it will then start attacking Awoken ships as well. This turret will also attack the ships if the Event goes on too long. [b]Dreadnaught Event: Osmium Gallows - This Event actually mixes in some friendly PVP elements. Players are tasked to track down and kill enemies within the Dreadnaught within an allotted time limit and once that expires, the player with the highest score receives their reward, although all participants receive Crota's Bane Rep. Unlike other Events, this activity stretches across the whole of the Dreadnaught and it's Tiers also work somewhat differently. Each Tier becomes available for a fixed amount of time (say 1 hour with each challenge lasting around 5 minutes) before eventually switching to a different Tier and different challenges. Players all across the Dreadnaught will receive a prompt saying "The Osmium Gallows beckon", indicating one of the Tiers has become active. To participate in the Event, players simply need to grab the Worm Hunter Rune from the Gallows themselves.[/b] Tier 1: Hunt down prey for the Gallows: Simply kill enemies to gain points. Have the most points by the end of the Round to win better rewards. Tier 2: Hunt down stronger prey for the Gallows: New challenges to earn bonus points become active, such as kills with different Elements of weapons or getting multi-kills. Tier 3: Hunt down the deadliest prey you can find to appease the Gallows: Only specific and difficult kills earn points and death will cost players points.

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