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Edited by CitrusTheNile: 12/9/2015 6:11:17 AM

NO FUTURE DLCS!! At least until fall 2016. Eurogamer.

So according to [url=]eurogamer's interview[/url] with Bungie it seems we will not be getting any further DLC's until fall of 2016. With events like Festival of the Lost and SRL I don't see this as a viable option. There is not enough content to last until fall of 2016 if these two examples are to show what is to come. I am not going to "invest" my money into Bungie to allow them to do what they want with it and put in as much effort as they see fit based on our "investment" through micro transactions with these "free" events. Bungie, I want a product for my money not a promise that you can manipulate however you see fit. You are not getting a dime from me until I see a new DLC. Perhaps I won't even be around to see the new DLC since I don't know if your game is going to keep my attention for a full year with this quality of new game content. If others are disappointed I would also advise to withhold your money and not purchase any micro-transactions.

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