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3/1/2015 2:13:34 AM

Deej, pulse rifles.

First: LOVE the new update. Can't tell you how nice it is to finally use my pulse rifles on the regular. Second: Could you pass this on to the developers? Third: Many players dislike the pulse rifle for reasons that are small and I feel easy to correct. This issue with many pulse rifles is the relationship between the individual recoil of the first, second and third round compared to the overall damage that's put out by the three rounds combined. At a certain range no matter what the accuracy and effectiveness of the players aim is- the spread from the three rounds difference in their individual kickback means that each round cannot possibly hit the desired location the player is aiming at. This results in undesired body shots or (and the more inportant one) the final round of a three-round burst missing over the top of the enemy's head despite a well aimed shot. A simple solution to this problem is to up the accuracy compensation of the first two rounds on a three round burst this allows a well-aimed shot to be compensated at will increase distances. Since recoil is mostly the effects of the weapon moving [b]after[/b] the rounds have left the chamber this change does not have to impact the physical recoil of the weapon but allows a well-placed shot specifically to the head to not miss the lower two rounds on the body or, and more importantly, to not have the final round of the three round burst miss over the top of the enemy's head at certain distances because the player compensated for the first two rounds in the initial spread. Most players won't even notice a difference but the players that do, like myself, use pulse rifles and find them one of the best weapons in the game; will notice a significant difference in the amount of damage they can do with their well placed and well aimed shots. Ley me know what you all think and possible alternative sollutions.

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