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8/16/2012 6:45:01 PM

The Death of Master Chief *UPDATE!*

So I was reading several articles on the internet that said Steve Downes, the legendary voice behind the Chief, would like to see Chief die at the end of Halo 6. He wanted "a hero's death." So just out of pure fun, how do you, the wonderful Bungie community, think the Master Chief should die? Any idea, badass or funny, would be accepted. Thank you! And I would like to place my opinion. After reading several of the posts, I've come to a conclusion. Chief is with himself. The rest of his allies and Cortana are watching from orbit in a ship. Cortana stays behind because she is too unstable and could hinder Chief. So Chief goes and destroys the threat, blowing up the place as he does it. The people inside the ship believes he's dead. Humanity builds a monument to Chief. At the end of the game Cortana narrates how most people believe he's dead, but there has been rumors that marines have spotted a shadowy, armored figure lurking around and how entire Innie groups have disappeared w/o record of any UNSC intervention. Then there's a scene where Chief is in a small stealth ship along with a few other surviving Spartans. One Spartan tells him that he/she has intercepted a distress call coming from some planet and Chief says "Alright. Punch it." And they go into slipspace. This would be a satisfying ending to me, knowing that Chief is a living legend, but is silently watching over humanity. [Edited on 08.29.2012 6:09 PM PDT]

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  • Speaking only from a personal point of veiw, I thought the end of Halo 3 would have been a suitable ending for the MC. It made his story kind of full circle, he was brought into our homes by a cryo-tube and thats how he should have left.

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  • Oh I think he should let that Forerunner-or-whatever-it-is world blow up and then get lost in the space with Cortana, you know like float in the space, frozen in cryo, waiting to get rescued, but you know he won't... Sounds familiar? Well yeah, Halo 3's ending was perfect! Spartans never die, they're just missing in action. Well there are some Spartans who take that to the heart, why not John? [Edited on 09.14.2012 2:19 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zKoopa There are some brilliant posts in this thread and i have had an awesome time reading all of the theories and reasoning's. Thank you. This is not one of those posts. I think the Chief should end the massive super world threat at the end of Halo: 6. As he is walking back towards the battle lines drawn up by the UNSC ground forces a friendly marine accidentally fires the scorpion main turret at him and blows him to pieces. The last lines before the credits are: "Oh -blam!-! Tank really does beat everything!"[/quote] I laughed so damned hard I ran out of air and started to just shake. my dad thought I was having a seizure

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  • He should fly a broken banshee into a wall and then die.

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  • There are some brilliant posts in this thread and i have had an awesome time reading all of the theories and reasoning's. Thank you. This is not one of those posts. I think the Chief should end the massive super world threat at the end of Halo: 6. As he is walking back towards the battle lines drawn up by the UNSC ground forces a friendly marine accidentally fires the scorpion main turret at him and blows him to pieces. The last lines before the credits are: "Oh -blam!-! Tank really does beat everything!" [Edited on 09.11.2012 4:50 AM PDT]

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  • Just wanted to start off saying that I love the intellectual conversation you guys have carried(or at least as much as you can talking about video games). My personal opinion is that no matter what happens, there will be a group of people that dislike the ending, and that the group will get more gaming publicity. Look at it like this: 1. If Chief Dies, no matter how they do it, people will say that killing the hero was cliche, and they will pick at every little thing in the plot that could have pointed in the other direction. 2. If he lives with a happy ending, the nitpickers will complain that ONI will never let that happen and that the ending doesn't fit canon. People will get angry and again, every lttle thing will be found that could point to a different ending 3. He lives with a Dark Knight Rises ending, and people will complain that again, ONI will do something to find out what is going on. You're not just going to hide when what will be the most powerful organization in the universe, with the Covenant and the Prometheans gone (pretty sure that's what the new guys are called), and the Spartan that saved the universe isn't going to just leave. 4. He lives with bad ending, and you have people whining like with ME3, where people just didn't like the real life ending of nothing going right for one side. Ending a large franchise that is based off of one character, and having that character die in a pretty bad way, will inevitably have an issue later on. ME3 had potential for an epic ending, but was stopped short by the fact that the RPG element of those games was ignored. Halo has no real RPG element so the comparison stops there. So, to sum up everything I just said, there will always be a group that isn't pleased with said ending. 343i, being a people pleaser, like other businesses, will go with an ending that will keep the most people happy. that ending will probably be a climatic show stopper, with either him dying in a way that is "special", which means it will eventually be copied and turned into a cliche, or in another ending that is like Halo 3, where there is an element that the player decides wether or not the protagonist is dead. Which will feel, to some people, like a rehash of the same ending that, for the most part, was pretty good. So, we reach the point where we realize there cannot be a "good" ending, because there will ALWAYS be unsatisfied parties involved. So we reach the old phrase that is universally true. "Beauty (art) is in the eye of the beholder." -Plato The ending will be whatever the H*ll 343i wants it to be, and the individual will decide wether or not it was good. But when the ending comes, it will be THE END, wether we like it or not, so you have to live with what happens.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wyzilla [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MC Confusing [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wyzilla the story of halo SHOULD HAVE BEEN DROPPED AT 3. The ending was beautiful[/quote] LOL[/quote] Congratulations on your amazing, educated post.[/quote] Much appreciated. Thank you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Spurius Something like Metal Gear Solid 4's handling of Snake.[/quote] Where he constantly injects adrenaline into his neck, because he cannot go on without it?

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  • I think it would be interesting to see him die at the not so physical hands of Cortana.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wyzilla [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] And Im Here Too [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flamedude Killing the Chief in a dramatic act of sacrifice might sound like a great idea but it will almost certainly come off as corny, cliched and predictable. It is expected that he die fighting and saving humanity single-handedly, I would much prefer and admire 343i if they didn't go down the road well-travelled and actually allow the Chief to survive the pinnacle of the new trilogy. Think of it this way. The Chief was abducted as a child, indoctrinated into the ways of war, mutilated, sent into war, ordered to kill, ordered to endure pain and suffer and forsake his own freedom and happiness AND THEN he dies...... Yeah right. What sort of message is that for a hero? Be abducted, be trained into a killer, fight, fight some more, fight even more, die. It's not only predictable for him to die but it also seems ultimately a vicious, cold and unjust end to such an important and virtuous character. Then again from a purely business perspective it's unlikely that Microsoft would kill their main video game character that has such a fanbase and loyal following.[/quote] It'd be a good deconstruction of super-soldiers in fiction. Being a Spartan would [i]suck[/i].[/quote] But you get to be a spess mehreen and fight for the emprah.. Wait. Wrong franchise. But yeah, it would suck to be a Spartan, and I won't likely buy Halo 4 because the story of halo SHOULD HAVE BEEN DROPPED AT 3. The ending was beautiful, and was much like that King Arthur ending I suggested. I just wish Microsoft and 343 weren't greedy bastards and would allow for the franchise to end. Thankfully, Bungie stands alone in the gaming community, for they are wise enough to know when something has been finished.[/quote] Then you'll be sad to hear that Bungie originally intended to do Halo 4, but "did not want to open any doors they couldn't close," so went with Reach instead. You'll also be surprised to know that Halo 3 was by no means a perfect ending. From a plot resolution stand point, it wasn't an ending at all, just a lull in the action. Can't have an ending when you've got ten major plot points left unresolved. [Edited on 09.09.2012 5:37 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Spidey 117 Back to the main topic, Master Chief's 'ending' has to be heroic. It has to bring a tear to the eye and, like some others have said, it has to make me feel a close friend, someone related, like a brother, has died. But at the same time, it has to make me feel like his whole journey, was all for that one scene, where he dies, or vanishes.[/quote] Or, he could die and remind us he's just one soldier among many.

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  • As a huge Halo fan and Master Chief fan, I personally think the Chief has to have a heroic ending. As painful as it actually is saying that, and I'm sure others will agree that they'd rather Master Chief be doing what he does best forever and ever, there has to be an end to his heroism, whether it be by death or completely vanishing or something. You're all saying how Master Chief dying a heroic ending would be too much of a 'cliche' or too 'obvious' and 'unoriginal', but c'mon, look at it from the Chief's perspective. If 343i do choose to end Master Chief's life, they'll do it as a way as his character would want it to be, not to try and compete with other games and companies to make the best or biggest suspense/twisted end they can. Though that may be an element. If 343i know Master Chief as well as some of the hardcore fans do, which they obviously do, they'll make Master Chief's death true to his character and persona. They'll send him out with a bang, a heroic ending. Master Chief prefers to be in the heart of a dangerous battle zone rather than being safe, so in my opinion, he'll either go out like the true Chief we all know his is, ending the battle along with himself, or finishing the battle and no one knowing what has happened to him. Maybe even the player not knowing, unless they really look deep into the scene or part etc. Realizing that he's actually still alive, but vanished from Human knowledge... Or something. By the 'look deeply' part, use The Dark Knight Rises [SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT] as an example. I seriously thought that he sacrificed himself to save Gotham City and the whole scene at the end was Alfred's imagination of him with Cat Woman. When really, he actually used Auto-Pilot to fly the 'Bat' into the Atlantic Ocean and boom boom. MEGA TWIST. So basically, the point I'm saying is, all of the main main MAIN characters throughout the game have an epic ending. Johnson with that epic 'Send me out... With a bang' speech. Noble 6 with the fight for survival at the end. Sergeant Forge sacrificing himself to ensure destruction to the planet thing... I think... Regardless, epic death! Back to the main topic, Master Chief's 'ending' has to be heroic. It has to bring a tear to the eye and, like some others have said, it has to make me feel a close friend, someone related, like a brother, has died. But at the same time, it has to make me feel like his whole journey, was all for that one scene, where he dies, or vanishes. I WANT HALO 4 NOW!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wyzilla Do something where he gets to see his work. Like he's stranded away from the battle, mortally wounded, but then he pulls out a detonator and blows the enemy to Hell. Or maybe something like King Arthur. Where he doesn't die, but he's taken away after being mortally wounded by a benevolent being to return when humanity needs him again. Kinda like in W40K, with the Emperor, he becomes the champion of humanity and will return to fight another day, but until then he sleeps longer than Cthulhu. WAIT Master Chief fakes his death and takes up a new job as..... THE BATMAN[/quote] And then we find out tartarus faked his death but got a terrible jaw injury so he must wear a mask and he becomes bane and breaks him.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lobster Fish 2 I don't want him to go out in a lame way, such as Bane in TDKR. I want him going out in a way that is dignified and has meaning. Sorta like Mass Effect 3's ending but handled much, much better. I definitely wouldn't mind the end of chief after 6 main Halo games.[/quote] I am not dead. Im here posting on the flood.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MC Confusing [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wyzilla the story of halo SHOULD HAVE BEEN DROPPED AT 3. The ending was beautiful[/quote] LOL[/quote] Congratulations on your amazing, educated post.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wyzilla the story of halo SHOULD HAVE BEEN DROPPED AT 3. The ending was beautiful[/quote] LOL

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] And Im Here Too [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flamedude Killing the Chief in a dramatic act of sacrifice might sound like a great idea but it will almost certainly come off as corny, cliched and predictable. It is expected that he die fighting and saving humanity single-handedly, I would much prefer and admire 343i if they didn't go down the road well-travelled and actually allow the Chief to survive the pinnacle of the new trilogy. Think of it this way. The Chief was abducted as a child, indoctrinated into the ways of war, mutilated, sent into war, ordered to kill, ordered to endure pain and suffer and forsake his own freedom and happiness AND THEN he dies...... Yeah right. What sort of message is that for a hero? Be abducted, be trained into a killer, fight, fight some more, fight even more, die. It's not only predictable for him to die but it also seems ultimately a vicious, cold and unjust end to such an important and virtuous character. Then again from a purely business perspective it's unlikely that Microsoft would kill their main video game character that has such a fanbase and loyal following.[/quote] It'd be a good deconstruction of super-soldiers in fiction. Being a Spartan would [i]suck[/i].[/quote] But you get to be a spess mehreen and fight for the emprah.. Wait. Wrong franchise. But yeah, it would suck to be a Spartan, and I won't likely buy Halo 4 because the story of halo SHOULD HAVE BEEN DROPPED AT 3. The ending was beautiful, and was much like that King Arthur ending I suggested. I just wish Microsoft and 343 weren't greedy bastards and would allow for the franchise to end. Thankfully, Bungie stands alone in the gaming community, for they are wise enough to know when something has been finished.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flamedude Killing the Chief in a dramatic act of sacrifice might sound like a great idea but it will almost certainly come off as corny, cliched and predictable. It is expected that he die fighting and saving humanity single-handedly, I would much prefer and admire 343i if they didn't go down the road well-travelled and actually allow the Chief to survive the pinnacle of the new trilogy. Think of it this way. The Chief was abducted as a child, indoctrinated into the ways of war, mutilated, sent into war, ordered to kill, ordered to endure pain and suffer and forsake his own freedom and happiness AND THEN he dies...... Yeah right. What sort of message is that for a hero? Be abducted, be trained into a killer, fight, fight some more, fight even more, die. It's not only predictable for him to die but it also seems ultimately a vicious, cold and unjust end to such an important and virtuous character. Then again from a purely business perspective it's unlikely that Microsoft would kill their main video game character that has such a fanbase and loyal following.[/quote] It'd be a good deconstruction of super-soldiers in fiction. Being a Spartan would [i]suck[/i].

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  • Do something where he gets to see his work. Like he's stranded away from the battle, mortally wounded, but then he pulls out a detonator and blows the enemy to Hell. Or maybe something like King Arthur. Where he doesn't die, but he's taken away after being mortally wounded by a benevolent being to return when humanity needs him again. Kinda like in W40K, with the Emperor, he becomes the champion of humanity and will return to fight another day, but until then he sleeps longer than Cthulhu. WAIT Master Chief fakes his death and takes up a new job as..... THE BATMAN [Edited on 09.07.2012 1:52 PM PDT]

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  • First, there is way too much halo talk on the still. but, I'd like to see Chief die in one of 2 ways... Either he has to do a self sacrifice like George, or some weird way he passes his armor down to another hyper lethal Spartan (III or IV) tells them some epic death wish!

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  • Something like Metal Gear Solid 4's handling of Snake.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] flamedude Killing the Chief in a dramatic act of sacrifice might sound like a great idea but it will almost certainly come off as corny, cliched and predictable. It is expected that he die fighting and saving humanity single-handedly, I would much prefer and admire 343i if they didn't go down the road well-travelled and actually allow the Chief to survive the pinnacle of the new trilogy. Think of it this way. The Chief was abducted as a child, indoctrinated into the ways of war, mutilated, sent into war, ordered to kill, ordered to endure pain and suffer and forsake his own freedom and happiness AND THEN he dies...... Yeah right. What sort of message is that for a hero? Be abducted, be trained into a killer, fight, fight some more, fight even more, die. It's not only predictable for him to die but it also seems ultimately a vicious, cold and unjust end to such an important and virtuous character. Then again from a purely business perspective it's unlikely that Microsoft would kill their main video game character that has such a fanbase and loyal following.[/quote] I agree!

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  • He dies fighting on Earth, at the feet of the monument raised to honor those killed by the covenant.

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  • I have not read any of the posts before mine. If the Chief were to die I would -blam!- riot.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SayamStitches [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OrderedComa I'm pretty sure that the Composer is nothing more than a specific machine >_> I don't think it's an actual being or AI...[/quote] No worries though the idea of leaving it up to you to decide if chief is dead or not is more the point I'm getting at to be honest :)[/quote] Mhm, that's what I've been saying, if they're going to put a permanent end to Chief's role in the whole Halo story, then they need to do something like in that one story about Cole, or the end of Halo 3, only no Legendary Ending this time...make some scenario where he could just as easily be alive rather than doing something like outright killing him, 'cause honestly, I'm very tired of deaths in the Halo story, especially of the heroic sacrifice variety, they're all way too common and overdone in this series.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OrderedComa I'm pretty sure that the Composer is nothing more than a specific machine >_> I don't think it's an actual being or AI...[/quote] No worries though the idea of leaving it up to you to decide if chief is dead or not is more the point I'm getting at to be honest :)

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