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4/28/2015 10:17:03 PM

•Iron Banner 7 Stock Overview•

What's up Fenris, this is your friendly neighborhood Scrublord, coming at you with a stock overview of what Lord Garden Salad is bringing to the shiny metal PvP picnic table this week. He has some pretty dang good items this week, including the shiny lids we've all been waiting for. His wares are as follows... Rank 1 Rewards: -Sigil Of The Iron Lords (Emblem) Rank 2 Rewards: -Million Million (Shader) Rank 3 Rewards: -Scar Of Radegast (Emblem) -Iron Regalia Vestments (Warlock Chest Piece)(Intellect/Strength, Fusion Rifle Ammo, Auto Rifle Ammo) -Iron Regalia Vestments (Warlock Chest Piece)(Intellect/Discipline, Shotgun Ammo, Scout Rifle Ammo) -Iron Regalia Plate (Titan Chest Piece) (Intellect/Strength, Fusion Rifle Ammo, Auto Rifle Ammo) -Iron Regalia Plate (Titan Chest Piece) (Intellect/Discipline, Shotgun Ammo, Scout Rifle Ammo) -Iron Regalia Vest (Hunter Chest Piece)(Intellect/Strength, Fusion Rifle Ammo, Auto Rifle Ammo) -Iron Regalia Vest (Hunter Chest Piece)(Intellect/Strength, Shotgun Ammo, Scout Rifle Ammo) -Efrideet's Spear (Sniper Rifle) Rank 4 Rewards: -Skorri's Iron Bond (Warlock Class Item) -Jolder's Iron Sash (Titan Class Item) -Mantle Of Gheleon (Hunter Class Item) -Iron Regalia Hood (Warlock Helmet)(Intellect/Strength, Serpent's Mouth, Quintessence Transfer) -Iron Regalia Hood (Warlock Helmet)(Intellect/Discipline, Snap Discharge, Inverse Shadow) -Iron Regalia Great Helm (Titan Helmet)(Intellect/Strength, Momentum Transfer, Quintessence Transfer) -Iron Regalia Great Helm (Titan Helmet)(Intellect/Strength, Rain Blows, Inverse Shadow) -Iron Regalia Mask (Hunter Helmet)(Intellect/Strength, Light The Blade, Ashes To Asset) -Iron Regalia Mask (Hunter Helmet)(Intellect/Discipline, Switchblade, Inverse Shadow) Rank 5 Rewards: -Goldspiral (Shader) -Timur's Lash (Hand Cannon) As you can see, he brought the bacon to this bloody mess of a picnic. The chest pieces and helms all have fairly high stat rolls, are level 32 capable, and look oh so fancy, you should pick some up if you are in need of that level 32 piece that Crota's been dangling on a stick in front of your nose, but just out of reach. The weapons are pretty freaking awesome too. Efrideet's Spear comes stock with Firefly and Surplus for the main upgrades, and High Caliber Rounds, Armor Piercing Rounds, and Perfect Balance for the middle column. Not the best roll, but still worth picking it up, I will likely be doing a re-roll guide for it and most other IB guns later this week. He also has a Timur's Lash for sale, the two main perks are Crowd Control and Performance Bonus, and the middle column perks are Armor Piercing Rounds, Single Point Sling, and Explosive Rounds. Not too bad of a roll, but there are definitely better rolls for it. Anyway, hope this was helpful, I will be trying to make a release schedule for articles like this and hopefully they will become a regular thing. Let me know what you guys think, and feel free to start feeding me ideas. This has been your local Scrublord with the latest on Iron Banner, and on that note, let's all get out there and shoot stuff in the face with extreme prejudice!

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  • When you're talking about the weapons I think you should give us info on what kind of play styles they suit and when it's best to use them in pvp and pve. It might help us in making decisions for what load out we should use, especially for iron banner.

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