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Bearbeitet von Ryutsukai: 10/29/2014 3:58:43 PM

Bouncy wall Near the Endless Steppes that looks a lot like the class items obtained from the raid...

Alright so remember that place that you have a show down with the Gate Lord? That area is called the Endless Steppes, the area right before that, in the Campus 9 area, if you run past the door way leading to the Steppes, there's a wall that looks a lot like the Warlock Bond and Titan Mark you get from the Vault of Glass and it's different for more reason as well- it's bouncy. The harder you try to run into it, the farther it bounces you back... But what if you happen to have one of those class items? Might you be able to go through it? Does it just have to be one of those two classes? Can the Hunter's cape do the same (if not I'd agree with Hunter user's in saying that'd be REALLY lame)? If so, just what the heck's in there? Maybe more loot? A new area to explore? Who knows? I know I'd like to lol. If you have the class item and are willing to check it out, let me know what happens if you would please? Even if nothing happens, that wall has gotta have something special to it- it's just too different otherwise. I'd post a video showing just where to go and everything but I don't know how to record with my PS3 let alone post it here... EDIT: Well I know Titans just bounce off of it even with the raid mark on. If any Hunters can Blade Dance through, let me know what you find, if you would please!

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  • If you're talking about the bouncy wall inside the Black Garden mission, play the mission with 2 or more people. When you're about to go through the gate into the Black Garden, hop on your sparrow. It's easiest if one person goes through and clears all the enemies while you're on the sparrow. Proceed through the mission until you get to the wall. Once there, just drive right through. Other players can join you inside if they leave to orbit and rejoin you. Have fun exploring. Protip: when exiting, have a competition to see who can get launched the furthest. ;)

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