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Bearbeitet von damentor: 9/23/2014 1:17:04 AM

raid completion error/glitch/bug

Hello, im not sure if this is the proper channel to report this issue, but it is an issue all the same, that i see no way of being resolved from my end. I completed the raid with a team of people, and at the end of it, it showed on my screen that i received gear that started with a C, but my screen remained black, and my level went to 0. My team members all got their items, and experienced the regular ending of the raid-- joy after all their hard work, after all, it was a hard event that took 3 days for us to complete. Its the final day before the reset and its a huge let down to see all that hard work amount to nothing.  Is there some way to resolve this other than me, having to go through the raid again with all new members. Since my team members would be no longer interested in playing it.   My psn name is: damentor lvl 27 warlock. I completed the raid around 757pm easter standard time. I got no completion trophy, no items no nothing. My profile shows that it has been completed, i just havent received anything for it.

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