Upon completion of the Vault of Glass on PlayStation Network with my clanmates last night, we experienced a bug. We defeated the final boss and rejoiced after nearly 30 hours of battle over 3 days, only to have that sense of accomplishment taken away from us when the timer counted down to 0 and did not send us to the summary screen. We backed out after a while and we recieved nothing through the postmaster either. We did, however, recieve our shaders (except for one of us), various legendary items, and the trophy but we did NOT recieve our Raid Gear. If anyone else has experienced this bug PLEASE do whatever you have to do to make this as public as possible in order to get this problem resolved and the people who completed it properly awarded. Thank you. (PSN: Reaper791)
Bearbeitet von RogueKimon: 9/22/2014 2:03:08 AMHad the same thing happen to us. i heard bungie is gonna compensate in the mail so i hope its soon. i kinda want it now though