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Bearbeitet von SnowboundSquid: 12/27/2013 2:37:01 PM

anyone else sick of progression unlocks?

I've been playing bf4 for a while and it is probably the worst offender of overdone progression unlocks. what's the obsession with progression unlocks? i mean, at least let me choose the order in which i unlock weapons and scopes, i don't want to have to wade through 5 other weapons in order to get to the one that looked interesting in the unlocks menu. plus the majority of the iron sights are rubbish and the first sight you unlock for most of the weapons is a reflex sight, probably the most boring sight in the game, it's also flat out worse than most of the others which can only be unlocked by random through battlepacks. who thought battlepacks were a good idea? all thermal scopes are unlocked through battlepacks, they are insanely good and the chance of unlocking one soon after you start playing are slim to none. i'm at rank 35 and i've managed to unlock only one so far and it's exclusive to a gun i don't use. A game shouldn't need the promise of a constant feed of unlocks in order to keep you playing, the game itself should be enough. resorting to shoving a bunch of unlocks in there and making people grind to get the most out of their experience is lazy. make a good, fun multiplayer game and people will stay regardless. look at halo 2/3, starcraft 2 or dota, all fantastic multiplayer games that didn't need the crutch that most shooters lean on today. battlefield has a massive fanbase and it's gameplay alone is enough to carry it. it doesn't need these unlocks to keep me playing and getting rid of them would just make the game better. it'd also eliminate balance issues that commonly arise from these progression systems. despite how passionate i must seem about this, it's a small issue, but it's still something i'd like to see change.

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  • I really enjoyed BF3 right up to having to grind out unlocking everything in MP when I finished the campaign. Passed on BF4 and will pass on BF5,6,7,8, and so on till Bad Company gets another game and even then I'll take a look at it to make sure it's something I want. I'm working, I don't have time to spend on killing 600 players to unlock a thermal scope and on principle I'm not supporting paid shortcuts. I don't really need to play it that bad.

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