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Bearbeitet von Evilcam: 12/28/2013 2:58:16 AM

10 reasons why polar bears are taking over the world

1: Polar bears are the sleepy dog-like giants of the arctic, but their droopy eyes and tired lumbering belies their inner thirst for baby seal blood. 2: Polar bears can swim for over a hundred miles at a blistering six miles per hour. This means that not even Micheal Phelps can escape the polar bears' adorable webbed killing paws. 3: Ice is a surprisingly strong material, and polar bears can easily smash through this to get to the delicious baby seals. Your house's sheet rock and brick will put up less of a struggle. That's if polar bears don't realize the weakness doors and windows present, as opposed to frosted over air holes in ice. 4: Even if we barricade ourselves behind bear proof devices, polar bears can enter a state called walking hibernation. Hiding would be less like starving the bears out and more like saving ourselves for later. 5: Since polar bears are so freaking cute, they have a knack for garnering sympathy- their most famous rouge is that they convinced us that the threat of polar bear domination is dwindling with the arctic ice shelf. In reality, they have an army numbering in the millions hiding away in a dead volcano in Antarctica. We'll never see the first strike coming, and coincidentally, neither will the penguins. 6: Like polar bears, all other bears hold a grudge against humanity. The sinisterly charismatic polar bears will likely use this fact as leverage to get grizzlies to work for them. 7: A group of polar bears have befriended a stray team of sled dogs. This suggests that they're following in the same societal footsteps as humanity. 8: If that wasn't terrifying enough, the only predator more terrifying than a polar bear is an orca, and if polar bears can befriend dogs, what's stopping them from riding orcas into battle? What's worse is that due to orca intelligence, and their closeness with humanity, they will likely share tactical data with the polar bears. 9: Since guns don't kill people, they will be no match for polar bears. 10. Polar bears are solar powered.

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