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11/1/2013 4:16:38 PM

Why do people worry about Global Warming?

[quote]Glaciologically, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres. By this definition, we are still in the ice age that began 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene epoch, because the Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctic ice sheets still exist.[/quote] We're still in the Ice Age. It's [i][b]supposed[/b][/i] to be warming up again. I just see it as some money making farce just like everything else is nowadays. Yeah, true the carbon levels are going up in the atmosphere, but look at China, nobody is dropping dead over there. Maybe evolution will kick in and our lungs will be more tolerable of the carbon in the air? meh.

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    [quote]It's [i][b]supposed[/b][/i] to be warming up again.[/quote] Yes, and according to the data it's warming up again at a highly accelerated rate. [quote]but look at China, nobody is dropping dead over there.[/quote] [url=]Yes, people are.[/url] And that's to say nothing about the deaths caused by extreme weather and starvation thanks to crop failure caused by rapidly changing weather patterns. [quote]Maybe evolution will kick in and our lungs will be more tolerable of the carbon in the air?[/quote] This statement shows you fundamentally don't understand evolution or climate change. Firstly, carbon dioxide doesn't harm humans so we don't need to be more tolerant of it, what we need to tolerate is surviving extreme weather patters (like hurricane sandy, or the record forest fires for example) and dealing with water scarcity. Secondly, evolution doesn't just 'kick in', because evolution is the end result of natural selection. That means that for a species to evolve a certain adaptation, every individual that lacks that adaptation must die. Think about that for a moment, for our species to evolve to tolerate more extreme conditions, everyone unfit to survive must be left to die.

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