And if you've been paying attention you'll know that we've been warming at an accelerated rate compared to previous cycles.
Unless, that is, you've been brainwashed by conservatards and their bullshit pseudo science and lies and taught to dismiss any claim to the contrary out of hand because it doesn't confirm your preset beliefs.
Yes I know we've warming up faster, but I still I don't see why it's going to be a problem. Things like fracking are major issues, things like letting fukashima radiation leak into the ocean are major issues, not global warming.
So you just skipped over the bit about how rising sea levels are going to displace millions in just the USA alone and cost millions if not billions in funds to fight the rising tide? Or is it like you suggested: Because it's not an immediate problem, it's not a problem? Would you let the fat guy continue to gorge himself on candy just because he doesn't have Type 2 Diabetes yet?
If I'm the one making the profit off the candy...yeah.