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1/24/2025 7:09:59 PM

Bento quest stuck

Hello, Prior to today I had done three of the Bento token quests, redeemed 3 tokens for the GL and a class item on my Hunter. This progressed Packed Lunch (the Chatterwhite quest) to 3/5. Today I did two of the new quests from Xur on my hunter, got my two tokens from Eris, then switched to my titan to redeem them for a class item. Now one of the quests, Nightmare Kills, is stuck at the "Turn in the Bento token you just received" step, but I have no tokens to redeem, and Packed Lunch is at 4/5 even though I spent 5 tokens overall. I assume Packed Lunch will complete when I finish another Bento token quest, but it's annoying that it loses track if you switch characters to buy armor for a different class.

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