The Internet says buy 4 or 5 greens and it unlocks blues,IT DOESNT. I know because I kept buying ones and now I'm out of materials and have 56 unlocked and cant progress and there is no clear instruction and there's little time left. I hope these tonics GO AWAY next epi season a sode.or there's instruction because letting us flush resources by randomly buying greens to freaking maybe unlock one is making me crazy.fix it label it and fill my resources so I can lol just keep lol buying lol rando lol greens lol hoping lol I'll unlock lol one yaaay
This. Also, why is it that when I play onslaught to get ingredients to unlock onslaught recipes, I GET ZERO OF THE INGREDIENT NECESSARY TO UNLOCK IT?!!!! I played contest of elders, finished with x3 wardens favor, and got 3 whole ingredients? Bungie has simply forgotten about their players.