Hello I need help with a toxic cheater, his name was [REDACTED] but changed it to [REDACTED] after being exposed he is cheating in the form of net-limiting I left a link to the evidence, I have reported him multiple times in game but action was never taken so I figured i'd come here, cheating is a very serious offense and ruins the experience for other players like myself who have dedicated time and effort into tackling challenges the way they were meant to be tackled, and cheating just flat out ruins the fun for other people I appreciate the time you spend helping me and the rest of this community with this issue at hand, thank-you.
[spoiler][b]Moderator Edit:[/b] Link Removed for Name and Shame.[/spoiler]
We know cheaters aren't great, but posting names/videos on our forums of people who you think are cheating isn’t the correct place to post them because our Security Team hardly ever visits our forums, and our moderators aren’t equipped to handle them. For these reasons, posting suspected cheaters only creates witch hunts and does nothing to actually remove them from the game if they are found to be cheating. That’s why we created [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13967]this Contact Form[/url] that our Security Team [i]does[/i] monitor. If you want cheaters removed from the game, this form is how you do it. Our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13967]Report Suspected Cheating[/url] article gives instructions on how to best report suspected cheaters, including using your in-game tools and reporting the players in your Bungie.net post-game history.
Hi there, Thanks for reporting. This link may be able to help with the issues you are experiencing. [url]https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049517431-Destiny-Account-Restrictions-and-Banning-Policies[/url]
Bearbeitet von TuxyDoh: 1/23/2025 3:51:40 PM[REDACTED] [spoiler][b]Moderator Edit:[/b]EDITED for Name and Shame.[/spoiler]
The last time I reported a cheater, bungie threatened me with a ban. Go figure...