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Bearbeitet von Sidge: 1/19/2025 8:09:43 PM

Iron banner not rewarding clanmate with rep AND not he is not getting Crucible rep for games in Iron Banner Either

Clanmmate has just returned to the game after not playing since ~ Nov 2024. He has iron banner ornements on so the UI is saying he has 5/5 iron banner armour on AND he has an iron banner emblem on so he should be credited with rep. We won a game and lost a game and he got NO rep for Iron Banner or Crucible. However he did get credit for the challenges in Iron banner. This is annoying him greatly and making him not want to play the game after convincing him to redownload. Any help?

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  • Hello there, Thank you for reaching out. Concerning your report, your friend should ensure they're wearing Iron Banner gear in order to obtain reputation. If they are certain they have Iron Banner gear equipped, then please request they record a video which demonstrates them not being credited with reputation, despite having the appropriate gear. Once you or they have a video, you can upload it to a public video hosting site like YouTube, and we'll be sure to take a look.

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