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11/22/2024 8:26:23 PM

Random Keys [NA] [All Platforms] Recruiting for a 25 and Older Growing End Game PVE & PVP clan Region & Platform: [NA]/[PC+XBOX+PS5] Calling all guardians who are 25 and older!!! We are looking for you! We are a group of experienced gamers who love playing Destiny Endgame activities. Despite having real-life commitments, we never shy away from a challenge and are always on the lookout for new clanmates to join us in our adventures. We value a balanced approach to gaming and life, and are always ready to support and encourage our clanmates. We are a heavily discord centered clan with mandatory participation in Discord voice chat. We average 250+ raid completions each! Here's what we're looking for: -- Guardians aged 25 and above. -- A love for all aspects of Destiny. -- We prefer a more hardcore, yet chill, attitude and a commitment to mutual respect and inclusivity. -- Bonus points if you're a parent who plays Destiny or have a parent-like mentality. -- Endgame focused* If you're interested in joining us, visit our Discord to be considered for membership * Please be at or close to 150 [b]combined[/b] endgame clears to be considered. This includes Raids, Dungeons and Grandmasters

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