My friend and I were doing Vespers Host in Master Mode. We did the last encounter as we normally should but In the middle of our 3rd round of damage phase, when we picked up the nuke, we couldn't deposit It In, Wiping Us.
Known bug. If you want to be super cautious, you can just retreat to air lock instead of going for the nuke thought that will only give you half a damage phase.
Bearbeitet von The-IIID-Emp1r3: 11/19/2024 7:01:23 PMWord of advice, keep someone outside the red/blue rooms (hide under stairs in the dark underside where tripmines are) for nuke deposits just in case, they'll act as a respawner
Happened to me twice. Both times during DPS. Wouldn’t let me deposit in the safe room
Had that happen once, wouldn’t be so bad if the boss encounter wasn’t 60% of the entire dungeon. I don’t have a skill issue either with Vespers. Done it on Master, did all the puzzles, have Icebreaker. The boss encounter is just over the top long for 1 drop, not even worth farming. Get your exotic, then never do it again. In my opinion it is the worst encounter in the entire game rewards wise. So many things can go wrong and at the end : Here, have an armor piece or 1 weapon drop.
We had operator not spawn after a damage phase in the first room. R I P