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Destiny 2

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10/30/2024 3:58:41 PM

Tonic brewing guide quest broken

Stuck on step one , whenever I walk up to the cabinet to collect reagents on my warlock, it just lets me keep grabbing without getting materials or progressing the quest. I don’t want to play my main character because of this PLEASE FIX BUNGIE, I don’t want to make a new character because the seasons quest is broken , I’ve been waiting three weeks , still not fixed. If any one can help please comment . Thank you . - a fellow guardian

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  • [quote]Stuck on step one , whenever I walk up to the cabinet to collect reagents on my warlock, it just lets me keep grabbing without getting materials or progressing the quest. I don’t want to play my main character because of this PLEASE FIX BUNGIE, I don’t want to make a new character because the seasons quest is broken , I’ve been waiting three weeks , still not fixed. If any one can help please comment . Thank you . - a fellow guardian[/quote] Ditto. Been stuck since week one. Bungie has said they know about the issue, but no estimate on when it will be fixed. $100+ and I can’t play this episode. Freakin' ridiculous.

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