Hi fellow bungie and guardians, as a pvp player and someone who plays a lot of pvp, we wanted to ask for a hardware edition of our lovely game mode trials of osiris, just like how you can choose between control and the tribute in iron banner, we wanted to have that option to play trials without abilities, and i know some people might not like it , but we make it optional to choose, so people can go and actually get kill with guns, any opinions on this topic would be highly appreciated :D
before that they need to remove dominion and practice playlist ,
hmu for pms - alt
Not sure if they would do this as a selector option but maybe they will make a certain week hardware trials -
While I like the idea, it will result in people crouching in corners and teamshooting. If you have one idiot in your team that rushes head first into a lane and get s deleted, there is almost no coming back against decent players. What we need is a sandbox update ASAP with substantial changes tha shake up the META because it get's stale palying against full teams of prismatic hunters ...
Bearbeitet von Magiscene: 9/8/2024 5:01:04 AMI’m in the minority here because I don’t like Hardware yeah abilities can be annoying I get it but I like being able to show off my mastery of gun skill AND ability skill, and having lots of options in my toolbox to kill with. Gunplay only is one reason why I stopped playing cod since it gets boring. I like how abilities shake up battles and a perfect example is how a well placed grenade can clean up someone fleeing the fight. If it’s something like say once a month or season then I guess that’s fine but I would not play during that week since I don’t find that mode enjoyable. Just my two cents on the subject.
Or what was the recent 3v3 they did wasn't it survival?? Or sumthing like that where u had limited times to revive then had to eliminate the enemy. They could do u different kind of game mode besides Dominion... They could do like elimination without abilities like they have mayhem control