July 24, 2024 Twitch Streamer Zavalr
I won against her in the bungie bounty and won. its been 30 days and i have not received the Aurora Clash emblem. Can someone at bungie look into it for me, it wont let me send a ticket form.
Thank You
Hey Hail I was on your team hahaha! I was Squatch, ggs by the way. Unfortunately I am in the same boat but hopefully we will get the emblem soon! Anyways stay safe yall and take care. https://crucible.report/pgcr/15352187018
you need to wait till mid of september to get the emblem and probably longer they take 4 ever to send the emblem due to the amount of players who won
24 JUL 2024 Won a match with Zavalr during her Bungie Bounty. https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/pgcr/15352014356 I noticed that the ability to submit a missing emblem form has been removed. If someone from the D2 Team could take a look for the players, that would be much appreciated. Yōkai
I ain’t got mine after getting scream queen on my team and winning yet either
Hello there, I played toobzster on 11 August (i won) I haven't exceeded 30 days yet But i don't have the emblem yet. I don't think anyone has gotten the emblem
Bearbeitet von BamBalaam: 8/24/2024 5:50:44 AMNo one’s gotten their emblems from any of the Bungie Bounty shifts that we had recently, especially the early ones from Pijinnn to oEverson. Not sure when they’re gonna add them to our accounts. Last I saw of any mention of the Bungie bounty between then and now was their foundation page announcing a new emblem
Hey Hail, Just read through your post and I am in a similar situation. I matched with Rewind on the 31st of July and still have had no luck with the emblem. As far as I can tell from searching others posts and collections it looks very few or even nobody has received the aurora clash emblem from the most recent set of bungie bounties. It stinks to not have the emblem yet but don’t feel like you are left out or lost in the numbers. My hope is that on the next reset since that will be over 30 days since the start we will see people starting to get them but for the time being I think the best option is to interact with other posts about the bungie bounty since there is no available missing emblems form anymore for whatever reason. I know this didn’t really solve or help anything but just wanted to give a reply maybe some other people have more insight. Take care Hail!
Bearbeitet von Gordon Ramsay: 8/24/2024 3:20:23 AMbungie really needs to quiet screwing the player base over and here is honest saying player is one that is paying bungie salary without us bungie doesn't have anything maybe we all should go on strike #justsaying