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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von jr_0081: 8/7/2024 5:45:04 AM

Ideas for episodes

If I remember correctly bungie did say the episodes or at least most won’t play a big role in the main stories and that the episodes will be stand alone storylines. So these some plots I will personally love to see: 1. The factions/lysander: I think that the factions could team up with Lysander in a attempt to overthrow the the vanguard and take control of the last city now I think there should be choices on how to continue the fight against the factions like who to side with. 2. Siva: I know what most of y’all are thinking “siva will never return” and I know that bungie did state that siva will most likely never return story wise if it doesn’t make sense but here’s the thing they said episodes will be stand alone stories so why not add siva, it will surely make money. 3. Riis and torobati: out of all the possibilities these two seem the most likely since at least for riis it’s been hinting that we might explore there really soon.
#destiny2 #lore

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