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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von Guardian7686: 8/8/2024 12:40:34 AM

Destiny 2 what if: Ghaul succeeded

"Guardian something's wrong" GHOST COLLAPSES AND THE GUARDIAN BECOMES WEAK AS THE LIGHT FADES AWAY FROM BOTH OF THEM. "DON'T LOOK AT ME CREATURE" GHAUL YELLS AS HE SMACKS THE GUARDIAN AWAY FROM HIM. THE GHOST FALLS OFF THE SHIP. "I am Ghaul and your light... Is MINE." GHAUL KICKS THE GUARDIAN OFF THE SHIP. Hours later... Earth, the last city "Guardian, Guardian" ghost cries as he searches for his friend. The ghost heads towards the rubble, there he finds his guardian. "AWFUL, I FAILED, THE LIGHT IS GONE, I CAN'T BRING HIM- (explosion of light) The scion walks towards the pieces of the ghost he shot. LIFELESS BUT MOST OF ALL LIGHTLESS. OVERTIME GHAUL WOULD CONQUER EARTH, HUNT DOWN EVERY LAST MEMEBER OF THE VANGUARD. FIRST CAYDE WHO WOULD BE SHOT DOWN BY A TANK ON NESSUS, THEN ZAVALA WHO WOULD BE STOMPED ON BY AN OGRE THEN IKORA WHO WOULD SADLY LOSE A BATTLE TO AN HONORED GlADIATOR IN THE ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW GHAUL. ALL THOSE WHO TRIED TO FIGHT GHAUL PERISHED. GHAUL would then conquer the rest of sol. GHAUL succeeded, he harnessed the light like he would. The red legion defeated the guardians but most of all took the light... The end. I would love if Bungie made missions were you play an alternate time line, I don't think they would but it would be interesting if they did
#lore #destiny2

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