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Destiny 2

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7/31/2024 2:19:05 PM

Issue with Bungie Bounty Match Results (NaN Displayed) and Eligibility Inquiry

Hi Bungie Team, I hope you are well. I am writing to report an issue regarding the Bungie Bounty event and to inquire about my eligibility for the emblem. During the recent Bungie Bounty event, a friend of mine matched with the participating streamer, LanaLane. However, the streamer disconnected due to an error, and several players left the match. I took the opportunity to join my friend's fireteam in an open slot. I met the condition of winning the match and completing it despite the target player's disconnection. After completing the match, we checked the results on the Bungie website, but we noticed that all player names, including ours, are displayed as "NaN". This issue is concerning as it may affect our eligibility for the Bungie Bounty emblem. According to the rules, I believe I qualify for the emblem, but I would like to confirm my situation with you due to the special circumstances of how I joined the match and the technical issue with the results. Could you please investigate this matter and confirm our eligibility for the emblem? My player name is Samael#0518, and my friend participated in the same match. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your response. Best regards, Samael#0518

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