It seems that the Grandmaster "The Glassway" strike that appeared a few weeks back still doesn't count for the "Total Conquest" triumph required for the Conqueror title. This is the only GM that hasn't counted for me. I made a post about this around the time it was the GM of the week and it seems many others had the same problem. Can those who did the GM that week be given their progress? Posting this again since it didn't get any reply from the official support team.
Edit: It appears that those who already had the seal prior to the episode are saying it did count for them but I'm also hearing that people without the seal prior to Echoes didn't get triumph progress. Not sure if this is actually the case though. Wondering if this will get retroactively fixed.
Bearbeitet von Ray92: 7/26/2024 10:16:00 AMMy clear counted are u sure u did the GM and not a master ^^ And wdym “still doesn’t count” Can’t even run the glassway atm, they’re not doing some elaborate fix because your clear didn’t count somehow Shoulda ran it twice, now u have to wait for the last week Edit : Out of curiousity did u run it on a warlock?
Mines counted as done. Not saying yours isn't but it does work. After the last strike is released they'll all be unlocked, maybe try then?