Hi there, thank you for your report.
Please be sure to have available tokens to changes your name. Errors may arise if your name is taken or conflicts with our code of conduct.
How do I say how many tokens I have? I haven't changed my name yet, other than this automatic change. Thanks for the help.
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - alt
Everyone has 2 name changes. If you haven't changed your name at all, then you should still have two names changes left. You can find out if you have any name changes left by visiting your profile settings page. It will tell you if you have no name changes left. Note: As stated in the Bungie Name guide (linked below), a forced name change by Bungie may consume one of your name change tokens. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/7648312251284-Bungie-Name-Guide